Toby, Wtf?
The guy shot my car with a freaking AWP?

He said "I saw that hit and run"

Then he takes his AWP away and I kill him with my crowbar, obviously, Why the hell do I need to yell raid there? >_>

This is not an unban request, because my ban was 24 hours.
I don't need to yell raid when he offended me with a fucking AWP first?
inb4 ban
Since when do you have to yell raid in self defence..
I must admit this sounds strange..
Let me tell you what happend, I drive off after putting some petrol on my mustang, when I was about to get to slums, so I drive past the traffic light where I get a huge lagspike and hit a paramedic that was standing on the road, and he died. Then some security guard shoots my car with his awp so im down to about 50-60 HP, I go out of my car crouching (FearRP) when he says "I saw that hit and run" so I said "Yerh, what do you want me to do?!" so he takes his AWP away and I say "Dont shoot my car you f%&"ing Bitch" and then I crowbar him to death.

Then, out of nowhere, banned with the reason "Need to yell raid, when going to kill a man..."'

I don't recall having to yell RAID when killing somebody when he assaulted you first with a sniper rifle...

Also, the yell raid rule, is freaking stupid.
You got a crowbar out and mauled him to death, he didnt hurt you, he had a gun out.
He shot me, you didn't see that, now did you?

I am serious, he shot me. I was looking FORWARD when I was driving, when I heard the BANG and saw that ricochet off my car, so I look back and the security guard stands right in the middle of the street holding his AWP aimed at me.

Also, Why didn't you ask both parts of what happend, instead of just banning away?
Addition: When I told him not to shoot at my car, he got his AWP away (Not holstered) and I took the opportunity to get back at him and Im the one that gets banned when hes the one randomly shooting at my car?
The fuck is this bullshit toby? I've seen people kill in self defense countless of times without yelling raid.
The "Yell raid rule" applies when a victim isn't aware of that he is/will be raided/killed. I'm sure this man was damn aware of that zap could have shot back, for a .50cal sniperbullet in his butt. Shooting someone and getting away with it? No.

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Your unbanned
He went to bed -_-

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