[Solved] Aggressive Roleplay Rules Explained
Hello Everyone!
I see a lot of confusion about several aggressive roleplay rules both on servers and private chat.Because of this,I've decided to make a guide explaining some rules,especially to new players.(I do not know if this is the right section of the forum,if it is not please move it)
New Life Rule
This rule,is one of the most debated by new players.It basically states that you forget your character when you die.It also states that you may not return to the area you died for 10 minutes.However,this has exceptions.While you may not stay,base or go to the area you died,you may drive through it to go to an area only after the situation you died in has finished,as NLR also states you may not re-join those situations.Example situation:
Player X is a police officer in a raid in Connectivity.He dies,and after learning of a new situation in Industrial,heads there while the raid is still going on.This is breakage of NLR,as he is passing through the area of raid,and the roleplay situation is going on.However,if the raid had finished,Player X is clear to go on,even if his 10 minute timer has not finished.
Note:Rule 3.3 states that administrators may give permission to break NLR in some cases.
Random Deathmatch(RDM)
RDM,while one of the main rules,is in a gray zone.While rule 4.1 states that you must have a roleplay reason,it does not clarify what is considered a roleplay reason.However,it is generally agreed that a roleplay reason must be in-character and based on actualy in-game events.This means you cannot make up a roleplay to kill someone,he has to do something to 'deserve' that.Example:
Player X sees someone,makes up a story in which Player Y killed a family member of his,and kills him.This is RDM,as Player Y never did that.However,if Player X is a Corleone,and Player Y killed another Corleone,killing Player Y would not be RDM as Player Y killed Player X's family member in-game.
Hostaging is one of the main AggRP activities.It also has one of the most rules.As with all aggressive actions,hostaging needs roleplay reasons(see RDM).Hostaging rules are more complex,as you could kill someone as a lone criminal,but in hostaging your character style needs to fit it.For example,Corleones,as an organised syndicate,would hostage someone(Of course,with valid reasons),but a 'Street thug' would not.In short,while all aggressive roleplay characters can use weapons,for hostaging you need a valid character background.What defines a valid reason for hostaging is,again,debated.Example situation:
The President bans rebels,and tries to get them arrested.The police attack,and fail.Rebels are now allowed to go and hostage the President,as the President attacked them.However,it must be noted that the hostagers may not initiate the hostage reason,as it would be failRP for criminals to draw attention.
Raid Reasons
Raiding is again,agreed upon that you need a roleplay reason.However,raiding has two options;against other criminals and the government.To raid other criminals,you either have to know they have illegal activities,or that you have a reason to hostage them.Government,on the other hand,is tougher.If the government bans women from working jobs for example,and if you are already a female character,you can raid the government,as it affects your lifestyle.You cannot however,change genders as it would be powergaming.It should also be noted that Rebels and Corleones cannot work together against the government.
Note:I believe a custom criminal group and rebels/Corleones can ally to raid the government,but I'm not sure.It would be best if you act like they can't unless and administrator states otherwise.
Thank you for reading my guide,I hope it has been useful in clearing up rules.And feedback by players or staff is appreciated.
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The following 3 users Like Ratatoskrr's post:
  • Willem de Walrus, Random, Dauntless
Mentioned in the official rule page ^^^^
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Thank you Envy

In future, please post guides in the guides section (https://www.fearlessrp.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=61)

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