/warrant stops working
Title of the bug: /warrant stops working.

Description: I have noticed that randomly /warrant stops working. It goes completely silent.
It might work for a while and then it stops working. When you type the warrant and hit enter it doesn't ask for warrant on radio and it also doesn't give any error messages. Nothing happens. This might go on for hours and get fixed for some time before breaking again. No clue what causes it.
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]
(05-06-2017, 08:20 PM)||̛-͠ P͠ro͢m̧pt Wrote: Templates?

[b]Title of Bug:[/b]

Use this^^

But ok, are you sure that you spellt it correctly?
I've noticed this
Quote:But ok, are you sure that you spellt it correctly?

Yes, it's spelled correctly . Even if it wasn't spelled correctly it would an error message and a small sound.
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]
Fixed. Reverted update to database changes due to the inability to replicate issue at this current point.
[Image: KInLxEm.png]

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