FUMUKU International
Steam Name: Akillerboy187
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40069412
Your Age:20
Hours on server:60
RP Events you have been in:1
RP Point Amount:0
Ban History on Fearless RP:1 ban for fail rp but for the record i just got on the sever
Character Bio:A tall,well dressed man,who loves to camp and play sports and watch tv


In Character Information: A tall,well dressed man,who loves to camp and play sports and watch tv

Division you are applying for: FUMUKU officer

Full Name:john smith
All Nicknames:none
Date of Application: 1/7

Date of birth: september 19 1992
Gender: M
Place of Birth: boston,mass
Telephone Number:218997654
Driver's License Number:012 988 768

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address:218 coulumbia road house 4
Zip code:02125


Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address:475 dorcheseter ave apt 7
Zip code:02124


Why are you applying?
I am applying because i have seen FUMUKU in the pass and i think this is a really awesome clan

What is your background in the field you are applying for?
I have been a special service agent before which in my opinion is kinda the same and in my opinion i enjoyed it and i also did a good job of secrureing the nexus

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
I think you should pick me because i am a good role player who takes his job's responsibility's very seriously

What will you offer FUMUKU?
i think i will offer a good officer who is fair and knows how to use his weapons when needed and a officer who will obey the commands of pepole of higher authority
Steam Name: Akillerboy187
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40069412
Your Age:20
Hours on server:60
RP Events you have been in:1
RP Point Amount:0
Ban History on Fearless RP:1 ban for fail rp but for the record i just got on the sever
Character Bio:A tall,well dressed man,who loves to camp and play sports and watch tv


In Character Information: A tall,well dressed man,who loves to camp and play sports and watch tv

Division you are applying for: FUMUKU officer

Full Name:john smith
All Nicknames:none
Date of Application: 1/7

Date of birth: september 19 1992
Gender: M
Place of Birth: boston,mass
Telephone Number:218997654
Driver's License Number:012 988 768

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address:218 coulumbia road house 4
Zip code:02125


Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address:475 dorcheseter ave apt 7
Zip code:02124


Why are you applying?
I am applying because i have seen FUMUKU in the pass and i think this is a really awesome clan

What is your background in the field you are applying for?
I have been a special service agent before which in my opinion is kinda the same and in my opinion i enjoyed it and i also did a good job of secrureing the nexus

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
I think you should pick me because i am a good role player who takes his job's responsibility's very seriously

What will you offer FUMUKU?
i think i will offer a good officer who is fair and knows how to use his weapons when needed and a officer who will obey the commands of pepole of higher authority
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] blusheep23
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:29737683
Your Age: 16
Hours on server: 39
RP Events you have been in: 1
RP Point Amount: 0
Ban History on Fearless RP: none
Character Bio: Kenny Ellis is caring but sometimes aggressive if he is employed as a police officer.


In Character Information: scar on right cheek, dark glasses, awesome goatee

Division you are applying for: FUMUKU Int. Security Officer Class D

Full Name: Kenny Nicholas Ellis
All Nicknames: Pablo Ramirez, Kenny Ellis
Age: 23
Date of Application: 1/7/2012

Date of birth: 11/ 27/1979
Gender: M
Place of Birth: gm_bigcity
Telephone Number: none
Mobile: 971-2956-5477
Driver's License Number: 129-376-091-7701

Current Residence (Complete in Full) SE 12'th st Evocity v2d
Address: 742D
Zip code: 97285

Suburb / City evocity v2d

Previous Residence (Complete in Full) NE 76'th Gm_Bigcity
Address: 4211
Zip code: 38670

Suburb / City: Gm_bigcity

Why are you applying? I want to help FUMUKU grow and someday take over evocity

What is your background in the field you are applying for? I have worked as a police officer for 5 years and have spent that time guarding the president.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? You should pick me because i will serve with great valor and NEVER leave one of my fellow workers behind if there is ever a firefight.

What will you offer FUMUKU? Great protection from no do-gooder's.
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Sub-Zero
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:29008245
Your Age: 13.
Hours on server: 323
RP Events you have been in: Bank robbery rp, Prisonbreak rp, rebuilding villa 3 and really well made clubs.

Witnesses to said events:
Bank robbery: [FL] Pinkie Pie.
Prisonbreak rp: Eric, v43.W0Rnet. | Rebuilding villa 3: Pretty much the majority or the server.
RP Point Amount: 6.
Ban History on Fearless RP: I have had two bans in my time. One being when I was very new to the server inwhich I regretfully lied to an admin in which I owned up to and faced my ban (It was 3 hours) the other being quite recently where I resolved to violence too quickly and murdered a man who was climbing on our battery that we were installing into the nexus.

Character Bio: Italian, 40's gangster style. Bald man, dresses to show respect to superiors, Never late, never early. Handy at mid range combat preferably with an assualt rifle. Life was allways rough for me: Getting ambushed in alleys, being left for dead. I had to escape my past and become a better person. I knew I'd landed on my feet when I first came to evocity, dropped off by Pinkamena pie's bus service, I began to make friends with some nice, loyal people and have been advancing on 'Street respect' ever since, I am now a wealthy man who lives alone with some freshly waxed cars and a personal armory.


In Character Information: I never really did like it when I was a boy, Our streets, shops, Lives were ran by the gangsters that inhabitated our Homes. I was offered many jobs but I was merely just an errand boy and I never really 'Married' into their buisnesses, well I say buisnesses but It was really just street crime. After some deep thoughts I realised I do not have to do this. I want to become successful in life but I can't do that by myself So im turning to you FUMUKU as you are A major company I'd give my life to work for. The scars will still be left behind but, my mind will have alot more confidence knowing that I'm working with the best of the best.

Division you are applying for: FUMUKU Int. Security Officer Class D

Full Name: Joseph Capriani
All Nicknames: Joey, Cap
Age: 24
Date of Application: 08/01/2012

Date of birth: 2/4/88
Gender: M
Place of Birth: Little Italy New York City.
Telephone Number: 011353484

Mobile: 07726547631
Driver's License Number: 25A7H6

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: Villa Three Lakeside drive
Zip code: 45376

Suburb / City: Suburb

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 546 Rothmilia Street.
Zip code: 79461

Suburb / City: City

Why are you applying? I am applying for the security devison because It will feel nice to know that I am finally working for the right people and will be using weaponry to protect rather than harm Also some of my friends are in the Company and they've been telling me how amazing it is.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? I used to work for the Slyfox - Security. I was a higher rank than most security as I showed persistence and great courage during gun fights. On my first day being there I had a firm welcoming from the owner in which he showed me my role and I obliged, no questions asked.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I believe you should pick me for FUMUKU as I have combat training and 'breach and clear' experience and will follow orders without question, Hell, I'd even take a bullet for a superior.
What will you offer FUMUKU? If I do get accepted into FUMUKU you will have gained a hard working, loyal employee who will work after hours if anyone is absent.

Thank you for reading
Yours Sincerely, Joseph Capriani
The following 1 user Likes Sub-Zero's post:
  • Pissed
Weapons Research Division Added

Welcome aboard Nadrick: STEAM_0:0:25233460
Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D
Security Clearance: D

F.I.D: SD: 6102

Welcome aboard [FL:RP] Sub-Zero: STEAM_0:1:29008245
Your employment status has been updated
You are now a FUMUKU Security Officer: Class D
Security Clearance: D

F.I.D: SD: 0841

A Promotion may be in the near future if you do well, follow orders given by those higher up the chain of command and stick to specific FUMUKU Radio Frequencys for orders or updates on operations

If we catch you doing something stupid, you will be out on the streets faster than you can say "what"

Theft of office supplies will also not be tolerated.

All other applications are Denied, You may apply again in 2 weeks "Minus Tank, Elder still needs to review yours"

FUMUKU International would like to also congratulate the following people on their Promotions/New assignments
The following have been "Finaly" promoted to Security Officer Class A:

Kertopz: STEAM_0:0:30174844
Security Clearance: A
F.I.D: SD: 2189

Komar: STEAM_0:1:30658563
Security Clearance: A
F.I.D: SD:1093

Dusty: STEAM_0:1:21537884
Security Clearance: A
F.I.D: SD:3056

Infamous: STEAM_0:1:20365798
Security Clearance: A
F.I.D: SD:0983

The following have been promoted to Security Officer Class B:

Mr DubWub: STEAM_0:1:40420650
Security Clearance: B
F.I.D: SD: 6745

UTLonghorn12: STEAM_0:1:41812233
Security Clearance: B
F.I.D: SD: 2574

The following have been promoted to Security Officer Class C:

Braindog: STEAM_0:0:5791023
Security Clearance: C
F.I.D: SD: 2610

Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
I would recommend cleaning this thread soon.
Cleaning how so? I like to keep a record of everything that has happened here, as well as past applications, posts and so on
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
The following 1 user Likes BlackDog's post:
  • Dubwub
Aww darn, I guess I'll see this thread in two weeks xP
Still waiting for a reply for our IC letter, diggy dawg.
The following 1 user Likes Strom's post:
  • Fleet Admiral Zapington
Out of Character Information

Steam Name:[FL:RP]Krond2010[WDZ][NG]
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:19232089
Your Age: 14
Hours on server: Approx. 75
RP Events you have been in: 1
RP Point Amount: 0
Ban History on Fearless RP: 1 Two-day ban for RDM and FailRP back when I first started
Character Bio: A very lazy man who loves to gamble, and can be agressive when a Police Officer or Special Service.


In Character Information

Division you are applying for: Security

Full Name: Krond Hadvar
All Nicknames: Krond is what everyone calls me
Age: 18
Date of Application: 1/12/2012

Date of birth: 12/10/1994
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Minas Tirith, Gondor
Telephone Number: Disconnected
Mobile: (204) 777-1337
Driver's License Number: D6101-40706-60905

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 1232 Rascalov Avenue, Apt. 2A
Zip code: 18726


Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: N/A
Zip code: N/A

Suburb / City: N/A

Why are you applying?
FUMUKU seems like a lovely place to work, and I think it's about time I got a job other than the Police Force, or Special Services.
What is your background in the field you are applying for?
I have guarded many a shop, president, and even a certain type of 'lab'.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
I am loyal, and will not question orders.
What will you offer FUMUKU?
I will offer my loyalty, my skills, and my undivided attention.
"Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I'm not perfect and I don't live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean." - Bob Marley
[Image: 347a99x.png]
Thanks for the sig, ForceGhost!

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