Thoughts on a machinima being filmed in fearless
Hey Guys,

I'm thinking of directing a short machinima called "The Hit" In the server (With an admin's permission of course). What Are you're thoughts?

[FL:RP] MajorGee.
Give us a little detail on what it's gonna be about. Sounds like a pretty cool idea to me, just wish I knew a little more about it. Tounge
Better to do it on a small empty server, otherwise you get whole sections of the map closed off just for one scene, along with lag and such causing disruption.
Why would you need to use the server for a machinima? It's better to film one on Singleplayer or on an empty server. When Fearless isn't busy being DDoS'ed it's full of players lol. For your sake and our sake it's a bad idea to do it on Fearless.
I agree with storm, you would most likely disrupt RP, have lag spikes in the video or possibly a DDoS, you would have to section of parts of the map to close and lastly, you may have some people interfere.

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