[UBR] Kerbz Smokz Herbz
Your name: Kerbal

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:66058450

Your ban ID: 71409

Banned by: [FL] Hitman

Reason: BRA (70952) - Random Tranq/Hostage, 11th ban, Last Chance.

Involved: JoeJoeBinks

Why we should unban you: Its been quite along time now, and I feel that ive learned my lesson. Ive been off Fearless for around 3 - 4 months now and I believe now ive matured a little and that I will be capable of following the rules and doing suitable roleplays with other Fearless members. I do not wish for this Ban to be removed from my record however I do wish you will let me back onto the servers.

I currently have 2 months and 14 days left.

Many thanks,

[Image: gBQQfUz.png]
Drop us a cheeky +REP, cheers (also know as Paddington Bear / Kerbal)
You thinking you've matured doesn't make a convincing argument as to why you should be unbanned. You say yo are capable of following rules but you've racked up 11 bans so I am not so confident in that statement. Just because you feel you've learned your lesson doesn't mean that you should be unbanned. If that were the case, you could have been unbanned 4 months ago.

I remain unconvinced.

Fearless Administrator
Maybe in your eyes that maturity doesn't matter but in a lot it does, however from me taking a break makes me realize how much of an idiot I was which showed I wasn[t capable of following the rules. But I believe if you give me a second chance I can prove to you that I can follow the rules and that I will be a good role player.

Also adding to this in previous UBR you have let other people of such as Rudy who was on his 11th ban for breaking the rules and you let him off when he had more time to serve. In my head I believe that you dont want me unbanned cause you have something against me personally which should not be the case. If you are a staff member you should treat other people as if your a staff member not someone you don't like.

Many thanks,

[Image: gBQQfUz.png]
Drop us a cheeky +REP, cheers (also know as Paddington Bear / Kerbal)
There is the evidence:

[Image: gBQQfUz.png]
Drop us a cheeky +REP, cheers (also know as Paddington Bear / Kerbal)
You can pull the personal issue card all you wish but I've got nothing against you. Never even seriously spoke to you.

Rudy's case is irrelevant. Just because he is on his 11th ban does not mean your situations are the same. What he did was very minor.

You, have literally 2 of the same offenses back to back. I fail to believe that you deserve to be unbanned. You already have a second chance, which will be granted in 2 months time.


Fearless Administrator

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