unban request
Your name: [#-RSV-#] behind you

Your ban ID: 2357

Banned by: to long ago dont remember

Server: rp_EvoCity v2d and v33x)

Involved: can not remember

Why we should unban you: i have been banned about a year now and I know I have post 8 unban request. I do not even know how the permban started, But this is the last post I going to write so i ask you plz unban me or set the ban about one more year or more. I would really appreciate it if you take away the permban in the future.
2 permabans, 8 unban requests, every single one of them denied.

I checked out your history, it is pretty bad, give me a reason why we should let someone like you back on the server?

(Also, you better look for the ban requests on you, they are still on the forums, if you can't find them then you might as well give up now)
Not a year, you played on FL this summer(summer 2011)
2 perm bans are way too much, I say No.
NVM close it...

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