Banned out of nowhere
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Other 3 Points
Your name: Ryan Winchester
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:44760411
Your ban ID:72215
Banned by: [FL:M] Ghost
Reason: BRA (72565) - D/C to avoid arrest
Involved: Multiple cops
Why we should unban you:
Yesterday I remember that the mayor gave everyone an arrest warrant.
And when I was walking down the street, I got tasered by a cop out of nowhere, and got killed short after.
There was no dialogue or eye contact made, it just happend out of the blue.
Also I remember the cop saying ''this is just for promotion''
this is bullshit. you spawned in, ran up to me while I was standing in the nexus square and punched me causing me to taze you. I put in a request for a warrant for "Assaulting an officer." which I was then going to arrest you for up until you disconnected. at no point did I say "this is just for promotion" lying in the courthouse is bad man


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