Unban Request: Tyler
Your name: Tyler

Your ban ID: 4950

Banned by: [FL] Toby

Server: rp_EvoCity_v2d

Involved: Temar

Why we should unban you: I have no idea what I have done. The reason says "Failrp much?" But I do not understand. What happened is I was randomly tranquilized sniped and hostaged. After that I had Temar undo the tie, then I had lost my items. I will admit he told me to have an admin slay me, then he said OOCly "Never mind, void this knife." He was just going to kill me, but instead I prop surfed up into the air and deleted the prop so I could kill myself. I did not mean to FailRP. I am sincerely sorry. I appreciate the time you spend either approving or denying this appeal, thank you.

you say you have no idea what you have done but you also say you prop surfed which is a big no, killing your self is bad especially if admins are on for sslay after hostage
and you even prop surfed to do it making it even worse

also I was going to post a ban request on you but after the week ban i didnt see the point and toby agreed

the ban I was going to post was earlier you made a chair anti-grav and floated around city on it

oh and i dont think it was random as they were raiding the nexus, which I assume is why you got tied up
Unban request denied.

Reason: Propsurfing is not allowed and bannable, whether or not you are bugged. If there is an admin on the server you have to wait for him to help you.

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