
I'm coming from my lab to explain to you something... It happens a lot and hurts and kills thousands of people every year. Most don't like to talk about this beast which roams the server but it is the lag.

New scientific evidence shows the lag is no-myth but is starting a revolution in our city. We need to fight it! It can kill and will hurt our family's so we can't let this beast rein much longer! We need to kill it... I know what your thinking: Is he crazy? Is he out of his mind? The answer is yes! BUT we need to fight the lag. Grab your gun and fight the lag before it is too late. The lag has impacted us all. SO lets come together: Murder or President, Mafia or Citizen.  We need to fight

But will you fight this beast?

- Dr. E3z
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.

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