BR: MoWah
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I told him around 10 times to face the wall - he was not following the orders.

- Involved -

Tried to talk to them and make them listen that I had permission from the VP but they just wouldn't. Straight after this I turned around, they cuffed me, found nothing and kept me handcuffed for 5 minutes till I paid my bail for them to let me go. The only reason I didn't do as he asked was because of his ignorance at first. The situation was cleared up when I told the rest of the police exactly what happened.
As you can see in the video he said face the wall, then I turned round to tell him he was failing RP because I had told him before I went down that I had permission from the VP to visit someone in jail. Right after the end of the clip I was cuffed by the sergeant and searched. He found no weapons or anything on me and said I could go if I paid the bail because the vice president has not responded. I do believe this is a misunderstanding here and I just wanted to tell my side of the story and defend myself. Not sure if the VP didn't respond so I would be arrested but I'd been escorted down to the Jails by an SRU member to make sure I wasn't there for any wrong doings like releasing prisoners but the police who called a lockdown and got me trapped in the jails for 5 mins then came down to me, let me leave then ran up to me and told me I was to be arrested. I was then cuffed for 5 mins, he told me to face the wall and I told him I had permission. I then faced the wall but turned back round again to tell him it was FailRP that he didn't even ask the VP. Then when the video ended where I told him I had permission, he said he was going AFK. Then like I said I was cuffed and searched and then I paid bail, that's what happened.
[Image: c06y0Qi.png]
[Image: JmCzDqB.png]

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