unban req
Your name: kimo kamalYT

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82507617

Your ban ID:71016

Banned by: [FL:M] AwestruckBullet

Reason: FailRP

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: so i was playing as a mad dictator at the time, and once i died i respawned as a VP and also as the older dictator's younger brother,so i thought that since nobody liked the older mad dictator i figured why not make them hate the VP too? so i slowly moved to one of the ledges of the bridge to take a camera out and zoom in on the nexus's main floor to put some new laws "for example no dancing in the nexus" but i slightly miss them and land on a lower ledge of one of those that we can climb on and then my father comes into the room wanting to use my laptop so i thought since that i am leaving anyway and that there was a dude wanting to take the VP job i thought "f*ck it, how about we make a story that the brother of the dead dictator slipped off the bridge and died instead" and since my father really really wanted to use my laptop i just jumped and like waited for the nlr stuff ( 15 secs ) to go away so i can respawn and leave the server but NOPE! Awestruck picks me up and tells me that i shouldn't have done that, and that next time i should ask for a demotion ( i didn't tell awestruck the part where i hanged off one of the ledges) but asking for a demotion would've either taken ages or just got denied also asking for Awestruck to help me WOULD've taken ages too and i was kinda in a hurry and also wanted to make a small joke of it, it's not like i just destroyed somebody's RP experience! i just enhanced it by allowing the dude that wanted my job to take it

i did not mean to break a rule or anything by that, as i was just about to leave
There is no excuse for jumping down the middle of Nexus. It's clear FailRP. You told me in the sit that you wanted to do it because you thought it was funny and wanted to do it for a "joke". No excuses. I'm very quick to answer @ calls, therefore you should've sent one and I would have demoted you almost immediately.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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