Br on TheGamerGuyGBR and Gidz and iixCarbonxZz
Name of player:TheGamerGuyGBR & Gidz & iixCarbonxZz

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:72475001 & STEAM_0:1:54231546 & STEAM_0:1:57303108

Time in GMT: an 6:00 Etm

Server: V2d

Summary:I went to the nexus and wait for an Sru call and i see them playing with props the videos show the proof, TheGamerGuyGBR actualy broke Nlr too. They were calling it experiments. 

TheGamerGuyGBR-Riding the chair falling and breaking Nlr.
Gidz-jumping from the top of the nexus.
iixCarbonxZz- making the hydraulic elevator.


[Image: xfmK5LX.jpg]
The original Cuban Minge
It was experiments, because later we had a working elevator as evolution of the chair... Also, I broke NLR because the chair glitched and killed me, so I thought 'this won't affect anyone else's RP' and returned, going upstairs to the presidential office this time, at least not going directly to my death spot.

Gidz jumped using all the ledges on the Nexus because he slipped and landed on one and the only way down was parkouring, using the other ones.

iixCarbonxZz was helping test the early development of the elevator, hence making the chairlift. I am friends with all of them and was playing with them, hence how I know this.

Also the Admins' jobs are already hard enough, please be more informative than 'Look at this' and 'rule breakage' in your @ Calls. Smile
There is no excuse for NLR breakage. You always ask permission from a staff member.

Jumping down the ledges of mid-Nexus has always been FailRP.

The chair lift is unrealistic and clearly FailRP.

Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]
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Its a roleplay server, to make elevators you go to the build server and make them. Also i never called him i erased the call and filmed. Also the presidents role is to run the city not make chairs with hydraulics and even he died and you guys took the role, making it impossoble for an actual presidential roleplay to happen.
[Image: xfmK5LX.jpg]
The original Cuban Minge
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Also, if you want some constructive criticism, I'd work on the word art in your Signature. I can clearly see that is just added in from Microsoft Word or something. Comic Sans and... can't remember the other one, but I know it definitely is from that because i use it alot in work/essays as titles. Wink
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Please the ban request has been approved you can stop causing trouble.
[Image: xfmK5LX.jpg]
The original Cuban Minge
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I find it SLIGHTLY EENSY WEENSY bit coincidental that AwestuckBullet, the moderator who has been trying to get us in trouble all day and got me killed deliberately from that elevator after telling me that it was dangerous then saying 'if that is what it takes for you to learn, so be it' (Using admin powers to kill me, must be a rule on that?) is the one to instantly respond to this thread and ban all of us. Just me?
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Dude stop already, you are gonna get in deeper trouble if you keep talking nonsense.
[Image: xfmK5LX.jpg]
The original Cuban Minge
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It isn't Nonsense, please don't start accusations and overrule the facts
I highly suggest you both stop replying before more warnings are handed out.
Kind Regards,

[Image: nw3ghiD.gif]

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