Unban request
Your name: Sir Benbey

Your SteamID:

Your ban ID: 70724

Banned by: [FL:M] Agorith

Reason: BRA (69851) - FearRP

Involved: No idea

Why we should unban you: I had logged onto the server for about 5 minutes, selected my job as a paramedic, drove around for a while healing people, then saw an open spot on the police officer job so I hopped on over to that job. Spawned in the nexus, next thing I know, banned for [reason]. I later checked Fearless Bans and found out it was for Fear RP? I'm unsure as to why I was banned and maybe be a mistaken identity as someone else was banned at almost the exact same time on fearless bans. I'd just like a little clarity is all.

You were banned for the rulebreakage, in this case FearRP, in the following video near the end: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=69851

You were in clear violation of said rule as you were told at gunpoint to get out of the vehicle and you decided to drive off.

Fearless Moderator
(03-28-2016, 09:25 PM)Agorith Wrote: Hello,

You were banned for the rulebreakage, in this case FearRP, in the following video near the end: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=69851

You were in clear violation of said rule as you were told at gunpoint to get out of the vehicle and you decided to drive off.

Fearless Moderator

Edited: Watched the wrong video
EDIT: Watched the wrong video
I am in the video even seperate to this "fozzie bear" character and the other guy standing behind me (same model) is not even shown in the footage. He is the one that stole the car.. There is not enough evidence to say thats me!
Hello Benby.

As seen in the video, you're wearing a green jacket and beige pants.
That's the same person who jumps in and breaks Fear RP.

[Image: yk9I3Jg.png]

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