
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51824778 and STEAM_0:0:71821139 and STEAM_0:1:44875296

Time in GMT: 19:40---->

Server: V33X (normal)

Summary: These guys were racist, they were yelling "Rush B" all the time as we are finnish (ME and joulle) and our accent sounds really russian so everytime we said something on OOC they just started to shout "Rush bbbb" "Rush bb"


Check the ooc on the images
When we are playing CS we are always saying this, nothing new to us, not on FL and not on CS.
We did not stated russian.. maybe jews rushing b? We are rushing B.. alwayz... alwayzz....
winky smiley Wink
Don't understand hows that offensive by the fact that i started it as a joke with Joulie when he made fun of my British accent so your'e racist aswell.
We didn't mean to offend any one by the rush b and honestly I can't understand how that is offensive by any way.
Besides that I didn't post rush b because of you, I saw that the whole server (5 people in one minute posted it) and from my Counter strike days i felt something deep within because there is always the player who just yells rush b and its usually me.
I find this pretty offensive when you do this over voice chat to me and ignore the roleplaying situation. So you ignore me and my friend just because we have Russian rp names and just say that "rush B" nonsense over voice chat.
(You did the same thing to me +-few mins from this (can't remember was it before or after you did this to mipastu).

SKIP TO 4 minutes
Reference video to the "rush B and buy p90" thing

just because one youtuber makes a parody of some Russian csgo players doesn't mean everyone related to Russians is an idiot and should be greeted with the words: "Rush B".
I find it offensive too as i cant really do anything to my accent even if i try to speak proper english accent.
We dont look at your RP names like we care about names anyway..
You are not the only people that hearing this
What is so offensive about that we are hearing people saying this all over the place.
And jews rushing a . . . Dont get the point here it just a fun thing to shout.
Can not see any anti-russian in this
Like as you shout rush a in an israeli accent
Didn't watch this video, again if i was offensive I am sorry for that, in my point of view it was a joke between me and Joulie.
Any ways i don't see who is that so offensive that you need to post a ban request about it, yet if you think this is the proper way to sort this out be my guest.
I want to understand how is saying B, Rush B is offensive.
From my csgo history, I was usually the one who made the calls and i usually said rush B, even if you will make fun of my accent which alot of players do i wont get offended.
I wont comment here any more so you can spam this thread how much you want and in my opinion i did nothing wrong,If I did I can honestly say sorry for it and can promise you that i wont talk to any of you again.
I have nothing to say... Really?
How "rush b" can be offensive?

EDIT: Im also from Finland.

 -Semper FI-
Hi! Thanks for taking your time in uploading the evidence. After investigating your case, the player has not been punished for their actions.

Their comments might be offensive to some it seems, but the wording itself doesn't consist anything racist, just a joke to some and not so funny to others. Please, restrain yourselves from making such comments in the future. Take this as a warning.

Once again, thanks for sharing the evidence! Don't hesitate in making another request if you spot someone breaking the rules again.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.

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