Admin applications - USA
Any other who posts anything that's not an admin application, will receive a forum warning / ban.
Name: Temar
ID: STEAM_0:0:5119023

- No single ban the last month
- Not more than 3 bans this year.
Just 1 in total for a minor rule break when I was a newb
- From USA, or other countries where it's day when it's night in Europe.
UK but I am usually up till 6am or after
- Basic knowledge of English
Yes English is my only language
- Atleast 200 hours playtime
376 at time of post
- Atleast 15 years old.
I am 27

I would like to be an admin to help other to play better and to stop rule breaking so people can have more fun.
I am always on over night although I just got back from holiday so wasn't on much last 2 weeks
I am always trying to best with in my current abilities to stop rule breakers by posting videos when I catch people breaking rules
I am Mature and sensible and even admin on a battlefield community ( bc2 and bf3)

[Image: application_denied.jpg]
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(10-31-2011, 07:27 PM)temar Wrote: Name: Temar
ID: STEAM_0:0:5119023

- No single ban the last month
- Not more than 3 bans this year.
Just 1 in total for a minor rule break when I was a newb
- From USA, or other countries where it's day when it's night in Europe.
UK but I am usually up till 6am or after
- Basic knowledge of English
Yes English is my only language
- Atleast 200 hours playtime
376 at time of post
- Atleast 15 years old.
I am 27

I would like to be an admin to help other to play better and to stop rule breaking so people can have more fun.
I am always on over night although I just got back from holiday so wasn't on much last 2 weeks
I am always trying to best with in my current abilities to stop rule breakers by posting videos when I catch people breaking rules
I am Mature and sensible and even admin on a battlefield community ( bc2 and bf3)

Requirement 3.:

- From USA, or other countries where it's day when it's night in europe.
The requirement is clear, don't be so ignorant..
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Steam Name: Joe very old

Time Played on Server: About 320 hours

Location: Eastern side of US

Age: 15

# of Bans: I have been banned twice, not any lately.
Latest ban: #2434

Reason Why:
I am a person who plays at times when none of the other admins are normally on. I joined the server in I believe July. I know the rules very well. I want to help get the minges off of Fearless. I have alot of friends on the server, and I don't believe I have anyone who hates me. I speak English very well. Finally I would like to say that I am capable of passive RPing. If you have any questions about me feel free to ask.
Thank you for reading,
Joe very old
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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17542113

Steam Name: LtBlackDog

Time Played On Server: 202+

Location Canada B.C

Age: 21

Server Ban History"1-12 Months": Clean Server Ban History

Forum Ban History: 1 {24 Hours} for Backseat Admining

Basic knowledge of English: Fluent in English and minor amounts of French

Past RP Admin Experience: 2+ Years on BB RP

Previous Applications Below:

Sub Admin Application:


Reason For Applying: I am applying for an Admin Position on FL not only because I am in the timezone needed at the current time, but I feel that my past experience as a BBRP Sub/Full admin will bring alot to team and community in terms of: Respect,Paitence, An Understanding of the rules as to what they mean and dont mean and how to interperate them.

If any more information is required it can be added or asked for in a PM here on the forums or steam. Though most of my information is provided in the two application links above, not much has changed in my life since then, so it still applies to me now

Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
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Steam Name: Wweee2345

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:42335499

Time on Server: 231 Hours at the time of this post (Ive been active everyday with the exception of one since the middle of September)

User Age: 16

Language: Main Language is English.

Bans: Never been banned

Location: US; EST time about GMT -4:00

Detail and Reasoning:

Well my reasoning for this application is backed due to several things mainly due to my activity and the desire to in turn contribute to the community. I have currently been an active player since about Mid-September playing just about everyday for periods of 5-6 hours during the weekday and close to about 12 on the weekends and my days off. I have done my best as a player to watch and inform players when they do break the rules. I take varied view points on rule breakers those being justified backed behind the classification of minor and major rule breaking. From what is stated above, I tend to be patient in my handling of situations with rulebreakers listening to both sides, in which I state my word in and allow I know a general outline of the rules, in which I read just about once or twice a week to refresh my knowledge on them. Im a fairly lenient guy, not too harsh, but not weak in any terms. Just as many do, Ive had my ups and downs while on Fearless (Mainly my younger hours where I was more aggressive), and lean towards both at the moment to keep an even balance of interest. I currently have 1 RP point from StillAlive for GarageRP on Evo2 and have had several other RP's that could be classified in a decent range of Passive. Several other RP's Ive done with WorldWide and Pro with a Cafe RP, Love/Suicide RP with Elder (That was Saturday), and Mafia RP with a group of players.

I myself have had experience running a server for a period of 3-4 months running a Minecraft Server (Eh, no its not to great) and later running a Counter Strike Server for a period of 1 month. In this I was able to administrate and effectively deal with rulebreakers/griefers upon the server; My methods of administrating are fairly similar to some on here by determining the general amount of punishment through division of newer players from older players (Ive made exception with some newer players depending on the harsh reality of the situation itself). I could easily transfer that experience over here and use it. I have been a strong believer of not being in a clan (Though Ive made one now) due to the amount of opinion that forms and overall it becomes to controversial. Ive been on the forum a short time, but majority of the post I have made, you can note the maturity in my grammar and handling of things. I have a tendency to try and end the trolling that does occur on the forums whether it be clan related or just in general relation to the server itself. Personally state my opinion in several things and several do tend to agree with my post and what I say in the server, as I like to be as formal as possible when I write. This pretty much sums up my Application.

Best Regards,
The following 8 users Like wweee2345's post:
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Hello, I know what you're already thinking. No. Reasonable I guess. Seeing as how alot of people dislike me. But, hear me out.

Well, my name is Seth, I'm fifteen, and I'm from the eastern side of the US. I've really grown to like FL, and I really like the way FL has changed, and kept it legitimate. I'm a sophmore in high school, and I moved recently, away from town, and I'm on my computer alot more than I used to be. I know i've been banned more than what is liked. But, I think if I saw it the other way around, from the other perspective, everything would become alot clearer, and I could definently use that to help others, and my own group of friends.

I love the rules on this server much more than any DarkRp, Perp, or serious Rp than i've been on. I think the admins make a great stand against people who break those rules, and go a good job of disposing of them. you're prbably thinking: Well, Todcat, you are one of those people who should be disposed of! I do agree, in the beginning I still had that DarkRp mindset, but while I was gone for a while, I realized some things about Fl that no other communites have: Roleplay.

Sure, they are all named "RP" but are they REALLY? Not exactly, it's just who can find the most amount of money, to buy the biggest gun. Not the case here. I see how people sort problems out as if they were really happening. That's how it's supposed to happen, and I think I could do a good job protecting those people from people that like to destroy these momets for their own amusment.

Some more about my roleplay experiences and ideals, are: I like to do the Country club RP, I haven't done it in a bit, but we did it a few times. Occasionally it really catches on and we get some good Rpers, doing some good RP. The other we had for a bit, was the arcades, we have little skeeball - like machines to win prizes and what not. I've also been to a few good RP events, such as the SemberFi Casinos, and some other various good Rp situations.

I have 2 RP points on the server and would like to plan somthing big to earn more. I have about 260ish hours in on the server, and I love to play as criminals, and Doctors. I like to lead the criminals, becuase in a way I feel I help them control themselfs so they aren't RDM'ing everyone, and we can get into alot more RP situations, and raid without breaking rules, and be moderate with guns. The reason being is that I see alot of 1-15 hour people taking leader of Corleone and Rebel, to not do anything, and they can get out of hand. I also love being the doctor, to sell the sleepy shots in RP situations, and help people, becuse no one ever chooses doctor! That's a little about what I do on the server as of now.

So, in conclusion, before I get alot of hate. I would like a chance, I think I could do a really good job. I would like to get a chance to know the admins better, and keep some people I see online... offline. I will be on the loookout for said people, and make sure to help others to the best extent I can. Thank you for reading.

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:24857790

Steam name: Todcat3
I love Ryan.

[Image: CL836.png]
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User has been warned for this post. Reason: Posting consistently to the wrong forum/category
Dammit i don't have 200 hours but i wanna be a admin so bad and i wanna help witht he server and keep it free from minges

User received a warning for this post.

The next person who writes like this, will get a 1 week ban from the forums. This is the second post in this forum which has gotten a warning.
Hi there!
Steam Name: Slick Dick Rick

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20172719

Time on server: 210+ Hours

User Age: 17

Language: First language is English, I speak a bit of Spanish though.

Bans: I believe I've had 3, but I can only find 2 on the "Fearless Bans" page, when I type my Steam ID in.

Last ban was #3024 (I presume that was when the actual ban was issued. Once again, I can only find 2 bans on the ban list and those only talk about how the Ban req was approved.)

Location: US Central Time

Reason why: Well, I'm on quite a bit and whenever I'm on it doesn't seem that there's always too many admins on, or any at all.

Over the time I've been here I've really grown to like the FL staff and community in general, and I feel I could be a great asset to the FL team overall. I'm not on bad terms with any admins that I know of, and I don't have a problem with very many players. (The only people who do have problems with me probably couldn't take a joke or something, who knows?)

I do have a part-time job, and a viewing and funeral to attend to this weekend. Other than that, I'm free all the time.

So yup, there ya go. Thanks to everyone who reads and considers this!

P.S. - I'm a donator as well, just doesn't say so on the forums.

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