Report on Moon
Name of player: Moon

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:43436378

Time in GMT: 17:20 - 17:30

Server: RP_Evocity_v2d

Summary: Thiere is not much to say unless that he came to our property, didnt walk away. My friends argued with him and wanted him to leave. we had guns pointing at him saying he had to go, but he didnt want to, so he also broke FearRP. but got no evidence for that.. and then he actualy went to an assault on me as a person, as you can see in the evidence!

This is so random PR 90% of this topic is a lie,when you told me to go away i went away then i came back then you killed me,after about 20mins i came again you started insulting me on mic and decided to shoot my friend so we broke in and killed you all and when did.and assault? "nerd" isn't an assault sir.
omg, never seen someone trying to lie away from a BR like this.. Got nothing to say unless thats not true and admins check the logs, i have informed about the time. and this is also a BR for harrasment, not for fearRP or killing or anything like that your posting. So unless you can prove what your saying ,you still harrassed me in a way i didnt like. GG
Nobody insulted you on microphone, Moon. You were asked you what you were doing. You were later asked to leave as you were just standing there spamming your flashlight, trying to argue with people, insulting and trying to be funny by continuously asking "Who is Ravenholm". Childish rule breaking behavior.
First i'm not lying and "NERD" is not even harrasment in my opinion,second i never spammed my flashlight and i did ask who is ravenholm just a question didn't even try to be funny that wouldn't help me and the only insult word i say if you see it like that is "NERD" i never said something else,and yes you were insulting me on MIC saying *Gtfo f*cking moon (you metagamed) *you vagina* well so that was a little examples of what you said to me over mic.
Yhe yhe sure sure... just check the logs and you see whos lying.. you alrdy lyed about us killing you, so why would you talk true about what i said in the mic... [FL:RP] LINK was there and he could probably tell all if i ask..
I don't remember LINK was there but sure check the logs.
Moon, it is very clear that you are using the word nerd as an insult. Your statement of otherwise is like saying "homosexual" isn't an insult, just because it has an actual meaning, but you clearly using it with malicious intent.

The fact that you've had so many past BRs on you for toxic behavior and rule breaking in the past makes it pretty obvious you haven't changed. A player with such a high playtime, 0 RP points and 7 BRs gets another BR? Maybe its time to quit with the toxic behavior or learn a lesson?

Clearly a normal rule following player could in no way, receive this many BRs. Past BRs of Moon, STEAM_0:0:43436378:

Googling your steam ID I can see you are banned from several other servers too. That is interesting.
Brok, you are not involved. You've been warned for posting with insufficient right.

As for the evidence, simply calling someone a nerd is, perhaps, not nice, but it is not a big enough offense to warrant any sort of punishment other than a warning.

Since you have no evidence to back up the breaking of FearRP this player report is now denied.

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