Unban request Tonze
[b]Your name:Tonze[/b]

[b]Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:38947632 [/b]

[b]Your ban ID:68481[/b]

[b]Banned by:[FL] Pear[/b]


[b]Involved:[/b] Me,Essa,Spear

[b]Why we should unban you:well spear stopped us for search and look car papers and licenses (rply) i jumped out of the car and shot spear, but i stopped it early then Essa killed spear.[/b]

I stopped the car to make a alcohol control/test. I told the driver to step out (Tonze) but two people got out of the car and instantly killed me. There was two people killing me and one of them was Tonze. It indeed was RDM but if Tonze is going to get a punishment i think the other player deserves a punishment aswell :/
(12-27-2015, 12:53 AM)Spear Wrote: Involved

I stopped the car to make a alcohol control/test. I told the driver to step out (Tonze) but two people got out of the car and instantly killed me. There was two people killing me and one of them was Tonze. It indeed was RDM but if Tonze is going to get a punishment i think the other player deserves a punishment aswell :/

yeah. thats right i started shoot spear and realized its "maybe" rdm wasnt sure then i stopped then essa finished spear, Essa´s steam id : STEAM_0:1:96293875

I just think that if one player decides to open fire at a someone for an invalid reason he is making a decision whether or not to RDM, even if the other player follows his footsteps he did not actually make the choice in the first place.

Essa might not have understood the situation correctly and simply followed in a Corleone member's actions.

I was one of the people who was in charge of the traffic stop.
(12-27-2015, 01:55 AM)rand0m0mg Wrote: Involved

I just think that if one player decides to open fire at a someone for an invalid reason he is making a decision whether or not to RDM, even if the other player follows his footsteps he did not actually make the choice in the first place.

Essa might not have understood the situation correctly and simply followed in a Corleone member's actions.

I was one of the people who was in charge of the traffic stop.

They both got out of the car pointing guns at me and they both started to shoot almost at the same time. In my view the other player didnt follow Tonze's footsteps. It all happened to fast and both players are a part of the RDM. If the other player would follow the rules he/she wouldnt be shooting at all.
(12-27-2015, 02:20 AM)Spear Wrote:
(12-27-2015, 01:55 AM)rand0m0mg Wrote: Involved

I just think that if one player decides to open fire at a someone for an invalid reason he is making a decision whether or not to RDM, even if the other player follows his footsteps he did not actually make the choice in the first place.

Essa might not have understood the situation correctly and simply followed in a Corleone member's actions.

I was one of the people who was in charge of the traffic stop.

They both got out of the car pointing guns at me and they both started to shoot almost at the same time. In my view the other player didnt follow Tonze's footsteps. It all happened to fast and both players are a part of the RDM. If the other player would follow the rules he/she wouldnt be shooting at all.
Then I agree with you.
Denied. Reasons stated above.
Kind Regards,

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