Unban request - Blurr
Your name: BlurrTheReindeer

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68019350

Your ban ID: 68337

Banned by: [FL:M] Ivan Tempski

Reason: Fear RP

Involved: Link, Zan, Myself and Ivan

Why we should unban you: 

Hello Staff,

I will start by where it all started, so I was driving towards the city until I hit a cop car, then started to reverse.
I then got shot and my car became damaged (0% Car HP) I then got out and started to run when the cops where still a distance away. I ran into the rebel house then ran out that's when the tazed me outside. 

When I was pulled out I started to mouth the officers off IC (Zan and Link) I then was tazed and then when I got up I ran towards a pole near me and ran around in a circle motion, then Zan used the arrest batton to arrest me.

I was banned for "Fear RP" I agree that it may had been fear RP yet I genuinely though they had arrest battons out when I got up, since I was arrest 5-10 seconds after being pulled up.

Here are a few screenshots explain where I was and what I did.

Now as you can see, this is a reconstruct of what happened and where we where ect. As I said above, I though Zan and Link has ASAP Battons on at the time, I was handcuffed at the time so it still was a mistake although.

When Ivan brought me IG we talked for 15-20 minutes until I said it was a mistake and I it was my fault. I didn't instead to break fear rp I was just running a short distance before Zan hit me to arrest me. I wasn't going to run to get away I wanted to run to the pole and that was it. Never intend to break a rule. 

I would also like to state out that I was happy about be owning up that is was a mistake, although when I was talking to him in Steam, he said that he wanted the ban to be a last resort then I asked him why it wasn't and he replied "ffs Blurr" then ignored me. I don't have a screenshot since I closed the chat and it erased.

I do however have a screenshot of Zan say why Ivan did ban me - here it is

Now in the @ call IG I not once insulted him yet he asked me once or twice perhaps three times to type yet I responded with something along the lines of "I have a mic feature for a reason" or "I do not want to type since it will take a long time" and "I haven't got time to type" 

In which I also had 13 FPS and it was laggy to type. 

I then infact typed from then on until Zan was confused of what part we where on about, then I used my mic to quickly explain and Ivan muted me.

So apparently behind the whole reason of me being banned was for Fear RP and not following instructions, when in fact I did follow the instructions I just said a few times how I didn't want to type.

Ivan said to be he didn't want to ban me, and Zan, Ivan and Link where all in a Skype call at the time. He told Zan why he banned me instead of letting me have a chance and that was included in the screenshot above. Like I said I NEVER insulted him in the situation IG.

I feel like I don't deserve this ban because I was only running a short distance to the pole, I though Zan and Link both had arrest battons not guns IG, and didn't intend to break fear rp. I only wanted to run towards the pole, until Zan arrested me. I think it rather pathetic and not necessary to be on my ban record. It was just a mistake and I am truly sorry that I did what I did, it won't happen again and if it dose I will have to take the punishment to full extent. 
Hey Blurr,

You were banned for the reason of FearRP, you were woken up to tazers and you ran, you should really expect tazers if you were woken up after being unconscious, due to the fact you stated you were tazed multiple times before. This means you should comply to them as you'd know by now that if you ran you would be tazed. You ran aimlessly without thinking, and I saw fear RP breakage.
[Image: IgcIQgP.png]
Firstly Blurr, you are misunderstood about the steam message. I was talking about why he muted you in-game, not the ban itself.

Secondly, you fail to mention the situation in the house, where you also ran in there whilst we were following you with a tazer. You're focusing on the situation where I was about to arrest you, however the FearRP was when you were running INTO the rebel house.
I'm sorry you consider this as a personal attack Blurr, judging from the Steam messages you all sent us after the situation;

as well as running away from us when we had arrest batons pointed at you, you ran from our tasers. This happened at the begining of the chase, after you got out of your vehicle. You then proceeded to run into the rebel house, still breaking fearrp, then into a corner of the room closest to the door - that was the first instance of fearrp, however we were cool to let it slip, as you eventually followed our demand and walked outside into the area you highlighted.

As we walked outside, you attempted to escape police arrest, although handcuffed. We tased you and brought you back up - we then all stood around again until we got the warrant. It was then when you decided to turn around and leg it, alas, the reconstruction your provided is incorrect, as I personally remember you making it atleast 1/4 over to the other side of the road before we got you, with no loop around the pole.

In addition, there is something I wish to bring to your attention:
'2.1d If someone switches from a gun to handcuffs/rope in order to detain you, FearRP still applies.'
This includes the Arrest Baton, as we were detaining you for your crime.

I 100% admit we were holding the batons as you ran, however this should not change anything as this rule still applies. This ban is also not all about the end incident, but the prior rule breakage I highlighted in the first paragraph, which is inexcusable.

As for the admin situation after the rule breakage, personally I felt it was delt with adequately and fairly. You were given your chance to reply to the claims, which Ivan witnessed himself in phased mode, and consequently you were banned. This was because you could not provide sufficient evidence or a reason(s) to counteract the claims of fearrp breakage that Ivan had seen.
Kind Regards,

Reply to Ivan -

Ivan I NEVER intended to break fear rp, I was walking/running towards the pole. I knew I was going to be arrested, and in the long run I never hurt anyone. It wasn't like I was pulling a gun out and shooting them on return of me on fear rp. I also thought they had arrest batons out although, I believe your statement on how they had guns/tazers.

Reply to Zan, Link & Ivan -

I just remembered that when i crashed into your cop car at the start of this police chase thing, I then reversed and yo shot me. Keyword "shot" once you shot a player fear rp is off, I would also like to state that shooting as a police officer is a last resort. I am unsure who shot, either Link or Zan. Yet you shot my car meaning Fear RP is now off. So I may need to ask again now where did I break fear rp? They did shoot me didn't they?

Also why where they not banned/blacklisted or told of for shooting a car as a cop since it is a last resort. You as cops should get in my car and chase me not start to shot me on sight.

I'd also like to add that due to fear rp being of after my car had been shot when reversing, I then got out and ran. Fear RP had been of so I ran from the tazers due to the fact that I was shot and didn't want to indanger my life even more.
Blurr two tasers were on you when you were unconscious, when you woke up you ran from both of them, and therefore you broke FearRP.

You were woken up surrounded by tazers, and you should think twice before running because you should know if they caught you, you'd get tased.
[Image: IgcIQgP.png]
Reply to Ivan -

Link's Quote
"I 100% admit we were holding the batons as you ran, however this should not change anything as this rule still applies. This ban is also not all about the end incident, but the prior rule breakage I highlighted in the first paragraph, which is inexcusable."

Link admitted he and Zan where holding Arrest Batons.

I would also like to ask how you just blanked me talking about how my car was shot and Fear RP is now OFF.
So there is no way I could have broken fear rp, due to the fact of my BMW being shot then going to 0% Car HP.
I got out and ran to not indanger my life even more than it was. When they ran in the Rebel house I didn't break fear rp,
due to it being off because they shot my car. I also then see that fear rp is off even thought the arrest, since it isn't clean in rules.
Fear RP was off due to Zan or Link shooting my BMW.
Regardless if we shot at you or not, there were two instances of fearrp - both seperate. In the second seperate instance, you stood around calmly until we got the warrant, in which I had a taser out on you, and then you decided to leg it. This is when you twisted my words 'Link admitted he and Zan were holding Arrest Batons' - I did admit that, however you brought it out of context as I claimed we had batons out 'as you ran'. I initally had a taser out on you as you started. Zan had even tased you two times to stop you from moving about, making your character break the human law of operant conditioning and consequently the OOC rule fearrp.

Moreover, you seem to be skipping one of my previous points, in which I would like to re-direct you to rule 2.1d:
'2.1d If someone switches from a gun to handcuffs/rope in order to detain you, FearRP still applies.'
This includes the Arrest Baton, as we were detaining you for your crime.

According to dictionary.com, a 'Baton' is defined as 'a staff, club, or truncheon, especially one serving as a mark of office or authority'. In conjunction with rule 2.1d, you not only ran away when we were attempted to detain you but you also ran away from a club(defined as 'suitable for use as a weapon'). Even though the item does not deal any damage in-game, rp connotations suggest that it is made of a form of metal, therefore leading to pain and a definate breakage of the fearrp rule.

Additionally, to clear things up, your vehicle being brought down to 0% may have been as a result of wreckless driving. The entire reason we were trying to pull you over was because of your wreckless driving and smashing head first into the side of our cruiser. As well as this damage, I believe the primary reason you got out your vehicle was because you crashed into the pole close to the door to the rebel house, leading to the rest of the chase.

In response to your claim of us shooting the vehicle, regretfully, you may be experiencing the conclusion of Bartlett (1932)*. Neither I, or Zan, remember anything to do with firearms in this instance, and even if bullets were fired, the second instance of fearrp would still be in play. This is because we had stopped you(using a non-lethal method), therefore resetting fearrp.

Connotely, if you believed firearms disabling fearrp to be paramount to the reason why you broke fearrp, why did you not bring it up in the admin situation after the event? It seems to lead me to believe that only now have you come up with a valid reason that you broke the rule, but also you had full intention of breaking it in heat of the moment. Besides, if you are sticking by what you said, why didn't you run as soon as we tased you, instead of waiting for the warrant to come in?

*When given something unfamiliar to remember, we alter the information due to our own beliefs. In your instance, you believe you were right to break fearrp.
Kind Regards,

Like I said, I was shot. I can kinda prove it with help from staff of logs, due to be using toolboxes etc.

Yet I feel a 12 hour ban for walking a short distance away from a cop. Zan still arrested me and I didn't harm anyone, it wasn't like I got up pulled an gun out and broke fear rp in a harsh way. I got up and walked a tiny distance, I feel like a ban should not be worth all that.

I didn't cause any fuss or harm, I still allowed him to arrest me, I was not running to get away, I just went towards the pole.

If I was warned I would watch my action in the future and abide by the rule and all costs, since I don't want to break it.

I am also not looking for loop holes in the rules, although it should state which items will cause you to break fear rp when handcuffed, yet it doesn't state it in a well manor for users to identify what can cause them to break rules. How was I meant to know that I can break fear rp when you had batons out? It doesn't state "batons" on the rules list.
Blurr you even broke Fear RP when failing to leave the car earlier, even though you claimed to me that you were stuck you should still inform them of you being stuck, because it seemed to me that you can not even be bothered to follow the rules.

I fail to see why you should be unbanned, you were woken up surrounded by tasers and you still ran even though you've been tased multiple times before.

12 hours is lenient, considering your hours on the server the attitude which you approached the case was poor and generally you should know better.

Even though you claim that you were shot, I fail to find any evidence of this happening so I am going to deny this unban request.

Thank you,
~ Ivan Tempski
[Image: IgcIQgP.png]

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