Unban Request
Your name:#VSKI Turbina

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:105595511

Your ban ID:67567

Banned by:[FL:M]Ivan Tempski

Reason:Job set to Al-Qaeda. Rule 2.2 and rule 2.2a


Why we should unban you:First of all i want to say that im sorry and i didnt know that we couldnt create a extermist group with names similarto extermists groups in real-life, and secondly we werent doing any trouble , like raiding , mugging or treating the government , we were just in our base protecting it and Roleplaying.
What happened is that i created a RP in V22D that were taking part on the rebels and it was Al-Qaedilha and as i said we were just protecting our base and even Tomo passed by and didnt see what we were , because our actions werent extremists , and he even like our base . But then Ivan Logged in and came to us and brought as to the top of a building , he explained to us the rule 2.2a and said to us that we couldnt have that type of names so i did what Tomo said " Just change our teamname and it will be all right " , then ivan teleported the other guys to their previously location except me . And then i waited to me to get teleported (because i was not expecting that i was getting banned just For a small thing like that) and then the message apeared ...
I just want to say that a ban isnt necessary and Ivan was a little bit to far because we were doing a RP and thats what the Server is all about . And to remember i already saw a RP equal that was Al-Qasadilha and the owners were admins so ...
And Ivan we werent Al-Qaeda , so if you want to give a good reason show what real happen and the real name its Al-Qaedilha not Al-Qaeda.
You obviously set it too close to the extremist group, and you know for sure its a rulebreakage. So don't make an unban request if you know you broke a rule.

Tomo literally has nothing to do with it, he said your build was fine, but mistakenly didn't see your jobs.
[Image: IgcIQgP.png]
I came to your base as I noticed there were a few flaws in its design. I talked to the owners of all the "illegal" builds there and helped them change it by lowering certain barricades and removing some fading doors. I did not once think look at your job title, but when Ivan noticed that it very closely resembled Al-Qaeda, I came to the roof where he was talking to you all. I then only suggested that you change your job titles as I was not sure how Ivan was going to proceed. I should have asked him what he was going to do prior to saying that but I did not.

I also recall you saying "F*ck you then, I'll change it" after your conversation with him.
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]
[Image: IgcIQgP.png]

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