UBR For [FL:RP] Mike / [FL:RP] Mike Myres
Your name: (Steam friends name) [FL:RP] Mike Myres

Your SteamID: (You can find this when you search for your ban) STEAM_0:1:16671491

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example) 66546

Banned by: (Please use the staff member's full name with [FL]/[FL:M] tag) [FL:M] Ivan Tempski 

Reason: (Why were you banned, what is listed as the reason?) BRA (65497) - Walls over 4phx

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the staff member.) Myself, was a player report.

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)

Firstly, I would just like to say that this dupe was approved by Viljo and Tomo & NightHawkd had also seen it, as well as turtle who also had a look.

Tomo in particular looked at the part displaying on the video and asked me to lower the wall so that shoulder was visible, I lowered the wall and thanked Tomo for pointing it out. Viljo had also had a look at the whole base and asked me to edit specific parts, of which I did again, both staff will be able to back this up.

I will however add that once lowered and approved by Tomo, it was not raid tested and clearly wasn't lowered enough, shown by the video - I was not aware of this until now. 

In regards to the 4 phx prop rule, i'd like to point out this quote: "If in doubt, ask an admin. They always have the final say on what is or isn't a doomfort."

Following on from that quote, not only 3 admins had seen this dupe, but also a moderator that directly consulted me in regards to the displayed area, that is my reason for this UBR, the fact that it was looked at and approved by multiple staff, granted they said it seemed to be a doomfort, but told me to change certain parts - which were changed and they then proceed on their way. 

I believe this ban is invalid and inappropriate.
You broke rule 18.2 fair and square, in my eyes it was over 4 metres, but I will investigate further into this.
[Image: IgcIQgP.png]
Hi Ivan,

Like I quoted from the rules "If in doubt, ask an admin. They always have the final say on what is or isn't a doomfort." Three admins and a moderator had seen this and said it was okay once it had been edited. The version displayed in the video was the edited copy during our last raid yesterday (I believe).

Thank you for your swift reply,
Your ban was applied for the reason of rule breakage 18.2, not doom forting.

So in argument to the breakage of 18.2 I'd like you to seriously consider the quote from the doomforting paragraph stated above.

If you also were to mention doomforting in the ban, then I was going to quote "Doomforts are overpowered defences that are almost impossible for a raiding party to overcome, even if they are realistic." and say that this fort was successfully defeated twice, once by Police and once by a rival gang. We have only been raided 5 times with this base.

But yes, in regards to 18.2, the admin did have the final say and nessercary changes were made.

Thank you
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Whether the ban is justified or not I feel the situation and person involved should have been taken into account a little more than it was. This is a VERY cloudy rule in my opinion, meaning people have to measure walls from their own doing and determine whether it brakes the rules.

Another problem I see is the fact the base was more than raidable, in fact we had multiple attackers gain entry from different angles before. The wall height really didn't prove a challenge for any of the raids we had, nor did we receive any complaints. I feel a 24 hour ban, for something you simple could have said 'Hey push this down with the precision tool a few times, it's above 4PHX' is way too long.

It was a simple mistake, and was not intended yet it feels like Mike has been treat like some 'minge' and got 24 hours. A little harsh in my opinion, but that's just my 2 cents.
(10-23-2015, 07:55 PM)DVN Wrote: -snip-

Not involved.

(10-23-2015, 08:00 PM)Hitman Wrote:
(10-23-2015, 07:55 PM)DVN Wrote: -snip-

Not involved.


Hitman, I'd like to point out DVN was involved in the raids, he was also assisting me in the build of the dupe - therefore granting his involvement.
This was not mentioned in the intial post as he had no direct involvement with the video evidence nor the reason for ban, he is simply a witness that can second my justification.
- Involved I actually measured the wall yesterday because there was some anger in OOC that it is over 4PHX but it turned out to be just 3.8PHX. and Was approved few minutes later by Viljo when I called him to check aswell.

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