RuneScape anyone?

( For those nubbs that play RuneScape )

What's up everyone, kinda nooby thread but yeah. If anyone here is interest in Runescape, (Which I'm sure there's a few, don't hide) Wink
Got any discussion on RuneScape? Quests/Skills/PvM, ect.. Maybe some cool screenshots to show?
Would really love to see some progressions (screenshots preferably) 07/RS3/DS
Hardcore Ironman/Ironman/Deadman Mode/DarkScape/Normal ACC (07 or RS3), ect..
I'll post a few screenshots of various accounts that I've played over the years.
Take in mind, I've quit the game so many times and for a very long period of time at some points.
I'm not nearly the greatest player, by far. And I'm sure there's others here who're much better than me.
I'll drop some screenshots below, hope you guys enjoy the thread and remember please no flaming/trolling in here! Thanks Smile

RS3 (Normal Mode):
[Image: 30951033953dbeec46f150c57c1c38b5be1dd8c8...da5e51.jpg]

RS3 (Ironman Mode):
[Image: 06310573e45cd76ef7da78b214b0c0bbe4fe4e15...be6f6f.jpg]

RS3 (DarkScape Mode):
[Image: 5331279415b93c85c2d33e7dcfb4be4ee219c4db...72de81.jpg]

RS07 (Normal Mode):
[Image: 3122737790f8789d9e1a9030952cebbe60035aa1...49fb54.jpg]

Thanks to everyone who takes a look at this!
Please feel free to leave comments/suggestions/screenshots below! ^_^

Kind regards,
Images don't work bud. I used to play, I quit for a while a long time ago after my friend hacked me and dropped all my shit in lummy before the trade limits etc. Ever since then I was shit, and never got back into it.
Awh really the images aren't working? They're loaded up just fine for me! D:
And damn that's really sad to hear man I know exactly how that goes, absolutely the worst thing to lose all of your stuff /;
If you ever decide you want to try again, let me know and I'll help you out as much as I can ^_^

Edit: I've attempted to fix the screenshots, could someone let me know if they've loaded up properly now? Thanks
Just got back into it recently, 138 combat 2200 total
[Image: XLnyw5R.jpg]
Edward John Smith is my idol!
Some say that the Titanic would be a sinking ship, but it just left the criticizers at dock and hit an iceberg.

Original signature idea made by Grub edited to fit my account (Added this to abide by forum rule 3e.)
Amazing! :O should post a screenie of your account!Cheese
Also, can you see the images I posted?
On mobile so I don't know if that has to do with anything but I cannot see them. My re name is the same as on here and I can't post screen shots from my phone :/
[Image: XLnyw5R.jpg]
Edward John Smith is my idol!
Some say that the Titanic would be a sinking ship, but it just left the criticizers at dock and hit an iceberg.

Original signature idea made by Grub edited to fit my account (Added this to abide by forum rule 3e.)
Whenever you're around PC you should definitely post a screenie ^_^
Used to play a lot, had the Adamant armour and everything. Forgot password years ago though, so not much use.
Modelling/Texturing Contributor
Seems like everyone quits man! I quit for a very long time myself, even forgotten my oldest accounts password.
Always seem to find myself back to this game though for some odd reason, making new accounts and what not XD
Just getting back into it now, here is my adventure log with all my stats
[Image: XLnyw5R.jpg]
Edward John Smith is my idol!
Some say that the Titanic would be a sinking ship, but it just left the criticizers at dock and hit an iceberg.

Original signature idea made by Grub edited to fit my account (Added this to abide by forum rule 3e.)

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