BR on Nuka for RDMing and random shooting and OOC insults
oh.... that was for Falcao? sorry i just saw the message on my chat and btw my health forty something and blood on the wall BEHIND ME and a cop standing on the other side of the road with a gun ( not visible in the screen shot ) means that i wasn't shot at please tho dont kill somebody unarmed CROUCHING trying to surrender but atleast ADMIT IT that you DID shoot at me when you saw me shoving this guy off
(09-25-2015, 08:38 PM)_AwestruckBullet_ Wrote: Involved as adding a point.

Just FYI, a video would've been more sufficient as this evidence doesn't really prove a lot.

involved how?
Player report denied. Nuka was not found in violation with the rules. Evidence is also inconclusive. "Fûcking hell rebels" is not an insult. I was online at the time as well as the fact I aided in the raid. Nothing was done wrong.

[FL:M] Suarez ~ Fearless Moderator
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