Your name: Fangz, Verdi & |FTG| Sgt. Cate

Your blacklist ID: 63965, 63964 & 63963

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:27740499, STEAM_0:1:39110396 & STEAM_0:1:65460229

Reason: Invalid job title to raid. x3

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL:M] Falcao

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: It's completely contradictory to all logic. The reason why it is contradictory is the idea that pig farmers or farmers in general are unable to do anything in result to Government tyranny debunked by events such as: The American Revolution, which was mostly fought by rural farmers in the south, Vietnam was also mostly fought by farmers. The second thing it is predicated on is that pig farmers would not have weapons this is completely made-up because in most farms there will at least be a gun owned at the farm. If you live in the US you're more likely to have a gun on your farm that is of the classification of the assault rifle mainly due to the second amendment and since FL is set in the US it is likely that the second amendment is in effect. I implore you to unblacklist us as it is logical.
You raided as pig farmers, which is completely invalid.

Pig farmers will not storm the government building and kill police and special forces in order to possibly kill the president, it's fail RP.
Denied as the blacklist is valid. This is a semi serious RP server and on here pig farmers do not raid the president nor get into massive gun fights with the government.
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda

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