Regarding recent drama
Hey all,

I just want to say something in regards to the recent drama on the forums and server.. As you all know by now, recently Lani was promoted to admin again, and Toby was given an admin trial - This is all good stuff, we've been looking for admins and a group decision was made between everyone.

However, the occasion was somewhat spoilt by some posts on the thread which were subsequently removed, and a couple of permanent bans were handed out because of it. But I'll move onto that in a moment.

Now, I try my best to be a good admin. I discuss things with people on the server often and openly, unless it really isn't something you should know, which is rare. I'll give my opinion and speak to people regarding matters - I've had about 6 or 7 people all PM me on Steam tonight regarding today's events and they've all calmed down a bit, or felt better after I've talked to them. I try and keep the bans fair, and will often discuss the bans with the person in question if they are willing to, which will often get them forgiveness so long as they are genuinely sorry.

And the thing is, all of our admins are like this - This is why we pick them. If they weren't like this, I wouldn't vote for them, but I have. Every one of our admins contribute to the team in their own way, and are chosen because they will affect the server positively. When we announce the new admins, the threads are normally very congratulating.

However, I have recently noticed that this is not quite so.. There is becoming a bit more drama in these threads, and, to be honest, I think it's unnecessary. When Pechvarry got admin, a fair few people complained, and I'll be honest, I stepped down pretty hard with my somewhat satire post - Maybe too hard, looking back, but I'm not going to apologize for that, because it stopped the drama and let the thread return to its purpose - Being a congratulatory thread for Pechvarry. Now looking back, we can all see that he has done an excellent job, and that anything that was said against him was, to be honest, unwarranted drama.

Before I continue, play this video, it'll lighten the mood and help get my message across..

So, as I was saying, it was unwarranted drama. This happened again today, mainly during Toby's thread as he got the admin trial. A lot of people complained, and various things that were pretty unnecessary were posted. Things got out of hand, even, I'll be honest with you, somewhat on the admin side. People began to post worse things, and they were very quickly deleted by the admin team, which spiked more complaints and in general pretty much kicked the mood to the floor. A few people got banned due to this, and don't think I'm indifferent about that - I'm upset, as several of the banned were good friends of mine - And they will remain so. Being banned doesn't change my opinion of you as a person, many a people on Steam still talk to me after they're banned without the intention of begging for an unban.

So, people got banned, in particular one or two people at the end because they complained about a lack of free speech.. Now, I've already said that a few actions on the admin's side were perhaps over the top, but this, in my view, was not. Some things were posted earlier that, while people may say it was free speech or their right, honestly just would have incited a lot of drama, and make the mood of the server worse. They were removed with the intention of getting past the drama so we can continue smoothly as a community. We don't want to silence you, we just want to make sure that the forums and server remain clean and friendly, without drama.

If you do genuinely have a problem with a promotion or something, come and speak to one of the admins instead - I'll happily discuss it with you, and you won't need to fear any retribution. Several have already come to discuss today's new admins with me today, and they feel better after having done so. However, just posting complaints on the forums create drama, and lessen the mood, as I've said.

I was once, and still am, in a community on Minecraft called World of Minecraft - It used to be huge, the biggest community on Minecraft for over a year, and Notch even put 'Woooo worldofminecraft!' on the first survival client when it came out as one of the yellow texts. We were doing great, but unfortunately, drama hit and the admin team split into two - Both sides still exist, but neither are doing nearly as well as they used to, and the community was partially ruined. Since then I've tried to keep drama in communities to an absolute minimum, it only causes more problems.

So, that's why the posts were removed - It would've made the entire situation worse. We don't want to silence you, as I said, just come and speak privately to an admin, rather than try and incite something. I know a few people who didn't agree, but they didn't voice their complaints, but congratulated the people and then came to speak to me, and I eased their concerns about the situation, and there was no drama, or bans, on the server and forums.

To wrap this up - Please don't think that this is all some 'shut up' thing - I just want to keep drama to a minimum so that this community can continue to stay as good as it is, if not better, so we can all enjoy it, rather than spoiling it with constant drama. So, in future, everyone, please voice concerns quietly rather than doing something that'll cause drama - It harms the entire community.

Thanks for reading what I have to write Smile I hope you take into mind, feel free to add me on Steam if you have any questions.

Server Admin

Couldnt of been better said, Its like Relationships...Drama means no pus-Laughter. But seriously guys, Drama does alot of shit to a community. People go to online forums and RP servers to somtimes, Well..Escape Drama! So bringing it into here is not a good idea. Ill admit, Toby as admin made me go "WTF IS THIS FFFF" And say shit. But now i realise if that were me, Id feel like shit. Everyone Deserves a chance. And hes on a TRIAL, Which means he CAN be denied if he makes a mistake guys! So lets make him feel welcome instead of hated. Were not a Hostile Community. Were a friendly community welcoming new people by the dozens. Congratulations Toby, Goodluck on the future admining services for our server. And StillAlive is Still...As will he always...Be StillDerp. <3 And to further increase the Srs on my post. Ill beat you with my penis crowbar if you make this a goddamn hate thread. <3 And to Toby...Me saying you can fuck up on the trial wasnt meant to offend :3 Just to remind the Haterz that you might fuck up...Ah that didnt help my point at all. Bottom line..No offense in the you COULD fuck up part. If it gets to be too much I have a LOVELY song for you.

And when the HELL did we get a censor? Now i cant make penis jokes about my crowbar penis Sad...
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Beflok is my idol

The following 6 users Like WorldWideCoffee's post:
  • rayts5, Shadow, SoulRipper, MikeyTheFox, Elder, McFlurry
I haven't really seen the post's that were made but I heard about it and I am disappointed. Like world said hes just a Trial admin. And we all had our say into giving him a trial even me. I haven't had any problems with Toby from what i can remember and I though that he would make a good admin. And if he isn't then we just demote his adminship. Simple as that. There's no need for the drama and the flaming. If you have a disagreement then its alright to put your 2 cents in, but please be civil about it. And before you stay "Oh no hes going to be a bad admin" Give him a chance and tell him to good luck. I bet every one of you would at least want a shot at being an admin. How would you feel if we gave you a chance to show us and the Community that you have what it takes, but then people start talking crud about you. As what my father always told me. Treat other as you would treat yourself or how you would want to be treated. Don't be a Drama Lama and start stuff.

Because if you start Drama....

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The following 8 users Like MikeyTheFox's post:
  • Faustie, WorldWideCoffee, Shadow, Pechvarry, McFlurry, StillAlive, Anakonda, sleepynoname
Yea..Dont be a...The fuck is that a Drama Llama? Whatever you say. On a more serious note and to STOP making this thread unserious. If i was a new admin, I KNOW some of you would be like "BUT HE MINGES WITH CROWBARS LOLOL LITTLE HO LOLOL" And id honestly, Id laugh at that comment because you had kevlar and i had a crowbar (Temar its time to post now about past expieriences with me and a crowbar) Just because someone makes a mistake doesnt mean itll happen again, People learn from mistakes, Thats why they exist! To learn! So, Yes give him a fair chance. And if he proves to be poor choice in Staff then he'll get the proper boot :3
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Beflok is my idol

I believe i missed something. Big, perhaps?
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Thanks Reliqua (:
I read Faustie's original post twice. I am leaving my homework for this, so I hope someone reads it. I also ask, that if you begin reading it, finish the whole thing. I believe the controversy is mainly About Toby, Or mainly about people causing unwanted Drama, and much of it is circling Toby becoming a trial admin. Well, I really don't know what to think, for many reasons.. I was gone for a day and now this happens. Well, a few people got banned, which I don't know who, and their must be a good reason for it. But because there was controversy over this, I think you people that started it need to get a grip. Since I do not know the whole situation, I cannot accurately assess anything, but I am assuming Tobys admin congratulations position was Flamed and, well basically not congratulatory for the most part. Why? Obviously the admins know what the hell they are doing. No matter what you people say, there is a good reason that toby became admin. a good reason, and they obviously thought that he deserved it. Whether or not you thought that or not, it shouldn't matter. Now, personally - From how I see it now, Toby got banned for wall hacking and FailRP. and now, however many month's later, he comes back, and for some reason, Which I don't know, and which most of you probably don't know, They decided to make him an admin. Obviously there was a reason. If he doesn't do good, if he does bad, it isn't hard to demote him. Also, there is a point for the word "Trial" admin. Sorry if this doesn't make sense, or it isn't even relevant, I only know a little info. but I just wanted to express my opinion.
[Image: kby7oh.jpg]

Thanks Reliqua (:
I love all of you guys... just sayin...
The following 1 user Likes Elder's post:
  • Vaqxination
I personally see nothing wrong with Toby. From what I remember, he was alright.
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The following 1 user Likes Ms. Mudpie's post:
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I think some people is pretty jelly. :3
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