Operation Flashpoint: Red River.
I got this game last sunday, and I just completed it.

It has to be one of the most realistic modern warfare games I have played.

OF:RR makes COD look like a dog without a coat. The game itself is like you play the role of an ordinary Infantry Soldier, without that part where you submerge under a boat to find an underwater citadel or parachuting off an avalanche or getting an RPG shell within two meters of you and not even dying like Black Ops.

You get to be the leader of a Fireteam, a group of four US Marines which you can edit every single weapon, attribute, attachment and command them with commands such as Left Flank, Defend Building, Secure Building, Hold Fire and various other sweet commands. You are sent with a squadron on various missions such as assaulting & ambushing a chinese convoy in pitch-black using NVG. Main story is that you are sent to take out insurgents when PLA(Peoples Liberation Army) interfere and try to take over Tajikastan and you need to fight them back.

You can also play online and do co-operative missions with other players or play LAN which is pretty cool too.

I recommend this game to everyone.

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The Last OP Was good, I heard this one was a let down
Was it? I havent played the first OP, So I dont really know if it was a let down or not compared to the first one.

[Image: source.gif]
first OP was so bad haven't played any others of em since that
I'm currently playng Dragon Rising which is ok. I like the realism but it's still pretty bland imo.
Steam Name: Innocent Criminal (Used to be [FL:RP] Sith Happens)
I played the Arma games which were made by the creators of the original OP, they was alright but I never got into them.
ARMA games are far better then any other war game out there.
I suggest, ARMA2 Operation Arrowhead.

Don't just buy ARMA2, get Operation Arrowhead, it's soooooo amazing.

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