[MARKET] Dan's Inventory
Your Steam Link:http://steamcommunity.com/id/deadlycakemix
What item(s) and quantity you would like:10 molotovs and 5 tommy guns

What item(s) and quantity you would like:

I pay u 10k for 1 EMC Jammer (not more)
I have only 2 Scrap Metal and not more, but i sell it both for 500$ (250$ each)
I hope u want it!

Have a nice day!

Can I do $102,000 + an Audi for the Ferrari, will add small pockets if needed.
[Image: HTQUIO8.png]
Your Steam Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/adrian2k
What item(s) and quantity you would like: Cruise control [1] | Portable radio [1]
Your Steam Name: Umizoomi

What item(s) and quantity you would like:
I sell to you 1 Mr. Breens Lost Shoe for 500$ and 4 Scrap Metal for 300$ each, so 1200$ all.[/b][/b]
i can sell u mechnical scrap and steroids:
Your Steam Link:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561...41255/home
What item(s) and quantity you would like: FIVE Flares and FIVECrowbars
Is your Georgio Rossi still for sale?
Your Steam Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/pandalegs
What item(s) and quantity you would like: Remote Car Key X1
Your Steam Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/omgitscrystalize
What item(s) and quantity you would like: The Ferrari

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