Player Report: [P:RP] [FL:RP] WilliamFarmery10
Name of player: [P:RP] [FL:RP] WilliamFarmery10

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:82596154

Time in GMT: About 19:20

Server: v33x

Summary: I kicked WilliamFarmery from my clan because of something bad that he did for my clan. He started saying stuff about my clan. All I said was thank you, it then led to him threatening to give out personal information between me and my mum. I did not do anything bad to spark him saying this, it was just him showing some hate towards me in OOC without me because of a valid clan demotion!

Evidence: (The bits covered up are things that are invalid to the report)
[Image: sAZS9Kg.jpg]
Community Retard
Was I annoying? REP me
[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]
Accused user has 24 hours to respond.
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
Alright, so. This was a warning to stop feeding more anger into my system. I was very annoyed at this time, not because of the clan, but for other reasons from basic. [Things from my own server etc] However, if you were to look through the logs; you can see I have not said anything else. In any cases I wouldn't of said anything as I know it is against the rules; and I don't like giving out personal stuff, as I have had it done to me before which made me exit a server. (Me being gay etc).
However my anger at this time was around a 7/10, and as we were arguing as well, he baited me to say that.

And you said thank you? You didn't say this, I cannot remember exactly what you said; if I do then I will reply, however I remember and know for a fact that you never said thank you.

I believe the reason he has blanked out some of the text is to hide what he said.

I want to leave these arguments, as it always ends up into more trouble.
My main statement here is it was a warning to stop getting both of us into more trouble, as I had a severe amount of anger built up inside my body I had against basic, and was never going to be intentional, in fact never going to be spread out. I apologise for anything, if it had set anything off.

If you require more or anything, please reply either here or message me on steam, thank you.

I want to be friends, to be back to normal,, skyping nearly every day.
Kind Regards,

Signature is too big. - Haarek
(06-30-2015, 03:06 PM)WilliamFarmery10 Wrote: Alright, so. This was a warning to stop feeding more anger into my system. I was very annoyed at this time, not because of the clan, but for other reasons from basic. [Things from my own server etc] However, if you were to look through the logs; you can see I have not said anything else. In any cases I wouldn't of said anything as I know it is against the rules; and I don't like giving out personal stuff, as I have had it done to me before which made me exit a server. (Me being gay etc).
However my anger at this time was around a 7/10, and as we were arguing as well, he baited me to say that.

And you said thank you?  You didn't say this, I cannot remember exactly what you said; if I do then I will reply, however I remember and know for a fact that you never said thank you.

I believe the reason he has blanked out some of the text is to hide what he said.

I want to leave these arguments, as it always ends up into more trouble.  
My main statement here is it was a warning to stop getting both of us into more trouble, as I had a severe amount of anger built up inside my body I had against basic, and was never going to be intentional, in fact never going to be spread out. I apologise for anything, if it had set anything off.

If you require more or anything, please reply either here or message me on steam, thank you.

I want to be friends, to be back to normal,, skyping nearly every day.

Where in the 'argument' was the bait?
You gave the threat, end of. You were mad at me for the reason of: Lack of direspect; or, that is what you came and had a go at me for. Please also stay on-topic, this is about you saying what you said, not about your server or anything like that. If you have a problem, you have my Skype, tell me on there, not start giving out threats. Doesn't make ANYTHING any better? No.

Admin reading this; he said 'I believe the reason he has blanked out some of the text is to hide what he said.'
Please, check the logs to see if I broke any rules within this 'argument'? See that I am not hiding anything. There are many members involved with this and who watched/read the statement made by WilliamFarmery10 and all of my replies around it.
One person I can remember who was reading it was Equal.
So, Equal, please feel free to post your point as you are kinda involved. However, you don't have to, I would rather you not have to get into this for your own good?
Community Retard
Was I annoying? REP me
[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]
Me and basic after a while talking on skype have decided wee now friends - ish. Wait on basic to confirm this.
Kind Regards,

Signature is too big. - Haarek
(06-30-2015, 05:34 PM)WilliamFarmery10 Wrote: Me and basic after a while talking on skype have decided wee now friends - ish. Wait on basic to confirm this.

Incorrect. We are not friends or even friends-ish. Not after this and how much shit you have got me in.
So, confirmed?

Also, if you count a while as 1 minute on Skype for me to then have to go to Badminton training, then sure, we talked for fucking ever.

(In-case is looks it; I am not being sarcastic in any of the things I have said!)
Community Retard
Was I annoying? REP me
[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]
I was meaning the one when rowan was in the call; basic. I was being honest and you where, both of us the same. I dont understand why you are now doing this, as I have attempted to sort this out, and it was classed as friends as we were talking regularly which was a start, you were also talking about some issues. You said on skype you didnt care much about the raid because because of me you became allies with weyland, so why start this now whilst we had a good conversation on skype?
Kind Regards,

Signature is too big. - Haarek
Will, let me just say it.
We are not friends, accept what happened and the consequences. I did, now you. I posted this BR for a reason.
Community Retard
Was I annoying? REP me
[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]
Also, try stay on topic!
Community Retard
Was I annoying? REP me
[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]
I am staying on topic mate; I have already said my say.
Kind Regards,

Signature is too big. - Haarek

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