Report: OvEr_Z_JK!
Name of player:OvEr_Z_JK!


Time in GMT: 20:27

Server: V2d

Summary: I was a paramedic and he was a citizen, he killed me with a baseball bat after he died, he killed me when returning to his car. Then on top of that he demoted someone for CMD which is backseat administrating


I might have got 2 type of complains. One is in IC one might be OOC
The one in IC is that i rped as if he killed my chracters family members so i took revenge.( I know this is not a valid one)
The one in OOC is that he kept on cdming everybody and you could see this report
I also could used self defence against his cdm to a reason to kill him those are the 2 reasons that came up while i was killing him.
you died mate you got ran over by a player I watched it xD

And I wouldnt kill a family member as a medic

I would like to add as I have witnessed his mass cdmings the following:
Images 1-7 are of the same event. This is evidence that you were indeed killed.
Image 8 just shows that you got demoted. The demote reason was improperly phrased, but essentially a president/sergeant can demote someone for bad driving.

If Over had a valid RP reason to kill him, then I don't see anything really being done here. And as for the demote, badly phrased imo.
He also killed some poeple i was rping with
ok lol of course I did xD fkn trolls

Yeah he kept abusing me too. He was saying nasty things to me in OOC.
I actually never said any insult or offending in the OOC chat.
what about the reason for demoting me? "Deal with it."

The reason was mass cdming not Deal with it.
I also made it as if he is a danger for the people. that what i meant with mass cdming

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