Pathetic Ban
Your name: (Steam friends name)

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example)
Banned by: (Please use the staff member's full name with [FL]/[FL:M] tag)
General Rickets.
Reason: (Why were you banned, what is listed as the reason?)
Chair abuse.
Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the staff member.)
Me, Hartree and all the corleones on at the time.
Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)

So me and Hartee were burgling the Corleone home, we got in via jumping on the wall and over the fence, but once in we realized there was no way in the house through the back, so  we lockpicked the garden gate 12times roughly, nothing happened, it wouldn't open.

I then thought I'd ask for admins help, Blackout and Rickets were the ones online, I have screenshots to prove how many times I asked for help and got ignored.

So as you can see from these screenshots, Rickets may have been busy when I made them which I understand, but I sent the same call 5 times..(Hartree also made 2) And even he could reply in OOC to players, but not respond to an @ call? Despite us not being able to carry on the RP (raid). He has no excuse to ignore 7 @ calls. 

So after about 10 minutes of waiting, I realized I was getting ignored, so I spawned in a chair prop to jump onto the fence and then I lifted Hartree over. 5 minutes later I get banned for chair abuse. 

What else am I meant to do eh? I was stuck for 10 minutes being ignored by an ignorant admin for what reason I do not know. 

So after I got banned, Rickets admitted to Hartree that he was invisible watching us, which concludes my case to admitting he ignored my @ call, did not help us and instead watched my do what I had to do while he hid not being bothered. 

Would appreciate a reply asap please. Taaa.
You will actually find that I did respond to you call, watched you for a few seconds at that point you spawned in two chairs and proceed to climb over the wall. Then after a few moments, a bit of fighting with the defenders and an RDM of a corleone, you spawned in a chair and pulled your friend out of the garden. This is against the rules and will not be tolerated.

I waited over atleast 10 minutes and made 5 @ calls? You came at the very last minute to the point where you didn't even TP to me, you was invisible and hid away, why's that? Why not just TP to us and help us out?
As for the RDM on a corleone, before you came I told him to not come back as we were in a middle of the raid, so he came back and I killed him, which is completely valid.

Also, most people who abuse there physgun/props get a blacklist, yet you have gave me a 30 day ban?
You got a blacklist for the propclimbing however, after consulting with an SA a 30 day ban seemed for sufficient considering your hours on the server.

30 day ban because you was being ignorant?

Still didn't answer my question why you was invisible and didn't just TP to me? Instead you watched my struggle?

Also, may that SA reply on here then please, I have been told by many players that this is an extremely unfair ban.
I tp to every @ call invisible.

No you don't? You was TP'ing to others normally, so why lie now?

Also why sit there and watch me then when I have asked numerous of times for help as it was preventing my RP?
I do not see any issue with the ban that you've been issued.
You can't break the rules just because you don't get a reply from a @ call.

When we receive @ calls, we often teleport while phased to observe for ourselves and we often teleport back if we don't see any rulebreakage.
I don't know the circumstances personally, but from how I've understood the case; you broke multiple rules.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
(06-22-2015, 04:59 PM)Enzyme Wrote: I do not see any issue with the ban that you've been issued.
You can't break the rules just because you don't get a reply from a @ call.

When we receive @ calls, we often teleport while phased to observe for ourselves and we often teleport back if we don't see any rulebreakage.
I don't know the circumstances personally, but from how I've understood the case; you broke multiple rules.

I made 5 @ calls and my friend made 2 himself, that is 7 and after 10 minutes he did not reply so what was I meant to do? Just no RP and sit there doing nothing?

Also, you say I broke many rules, I broke one by using a chair to get unstuck, which I basically had to do as I got ignored by Rickets?

As for saying it's 30 days because my hours is BS, I had no choice to do what I done..
Just to inform you that this is DENIED.

User was found breaking multiple rules knowing the consequence
Quote: I dont even care anymore

Which was said IG.

The user involved also has an incredibly immature attitude.
[Image: 4b04e996a1ad308a307b13a2bbdd84e5.png]

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