Unban Request
Your name: Mr.Quiggles

Your ban ID62516
Banned by: [FL] Ikaros
Reason: FearRP
Involved: [FL] Ikaros
Why we should unban you:

Hello, I was banned by [FL] Ikaros Wednesday night EST (If another 3rd party could review this please)

As a Police Officer, I had responded with a fire marshal earlier to the house, and was told to come back. After some time, the fire marshal DCed (timed out actually) and I returned to the house to inform them that the changes they needed to make were no longer necessary. 

The first time I arrived at the house, the mood was quite satirical, while both the marshal and the residents of the house (About 5-6, apparently 1-2 admins (Maybe more?)) were making jokes about how we all were black, N*gger jokes, ect. I mostly ignored this. 

When I arrived the second time, about a half hour later, the mood was quite similar. I told them that the marshal was no longer needed while several people were laughing on their microphones, I then was held at gunpoint by an AR-15 which I immediately responded by taking out my firearm and fleeing while being shot at. I managed to kill the wrong people I presume, and was immediately banned. 

After talking with admin [FL] Ikaros, I was informed about FearRP includes not shooting back while at gunpoint, a rule I wasn't aware of. I apologized, explaining how I had only 60 hours of gameplay and was still learning. 

Why do I think this ban was unjust? 

#1. I am still learning the mass amount of rules and how the server operates (I took a 2 year break, maybe more), and innocently made a mistake which I apologized for. 

#2. The mood of the situation didn't match the actions. While I understand hostage is part of RP, to me it doesn't seem fair for people to be making racist comments (Playing swearing music micspam) and just joking around when suddenly, laughing while doing it, pull out a gun and ask me to go inside. I was still in a police officer state of mind to never give up your gun, and I knew I had no backup around. 

#3. A 3 day ban doesn't sound very fair for the crime committed, if I been told before, and was a repeated offender somehow, a 3 day ban might be justifiable in my eyes. I informed the admin I didn't intend to reconnect that night anyhow. 

Additionally, I have footage of the incident if it may be needed.

Again, I recognize the rule break, but I don't agree with the punishment here. I want to be a part of the community while I have some days off. 

Thank you for your consideration, I look forward to playing FearRP again soon. 
You claim that you havent played for 2-3 years however you recived a ban from Enzyme earlier this month. You've had plenty of time to read the rules.

You have 60 hours and 8 bans (most of them are old I know) but 60 hours and 8 bans is a very bad ratio and I think the 3 day ban fits well taking your history into consideration.
[Image: tumblr_oq4diiJxBR1uo87guo1_500.gif]
The point of my first sentence was to have another admin review the urban since you'll undoubtedly have a bias since I killed you when you were having fun.

And what I said is true, I haven't played in years (check the dates of the bans) and have recently got back into playing FL RP a couple weeks ago, I got a ban for NLR a couple days ago which I recognized was my fault.

I don't think it's really fair to take into account the history of violations considering they were so long ago. (Check the dates).

I've recognized my faults and have learned something, and especially giving the sketchiness of the situation at hand, I don't know what more I do here to explain it was an innocent mistake given to me on irregular circumstances.
Another thing too, people are getting bans for the same reasons, and they have significantly less time to serve.

I still think my 3 day ban is unjust, and is mainly influence by the fact that the admins were upset with me ruining their good time.

I've only had 1 ban in the past couple years, and it was an innocent mistake I plan to not do again.
1) There is no bias here I would have issued the same punishment.
2) You claim your bans are old however they are still accumulated in 60 hours which is quite frankly ridiculous amount of bans.
3)You did indeed break FearRP therefore the ban is valid.
4) Its FearlessRP not FearRP.

I'm talking about FearRP, because that's why I got banned.

It doesn't seem like you are reading my post, nor seeing the point of it.

Everyone is being given 24 hour bans for FearRP, but I got a 3 day ban for no explained reason other than the fact it was an admin I killed, instead of a complaining player which an admin intervened. I'm sure I would've received a lower sentence otherwise. Plus, the other point is that I recognize my mistake and am trying to explain the RP was unfair due to the admins.

Thanks anyways.
You could have been banned for anything, having that amount of bans in 60 hours is ridiculous and warrants an extended punishment.

I don't agree with that logic.

Considering the huge gap in time between the bans (years) and the fact that none of the bans (recently) are repeated offenses, it doesn't seem logical to me that I'd be punished more severe than other people simply because I've had other bans years ago.

I could follow the logic it if it was a repeated offense in a short amount of time, but it's not like that.
(06-18-2015, 07:26 PM)Mr.Quiggles Wrote: I don't agree with that logic.

Considering the huge gap in time between the bans (years) and the fact that none of the bans (recently) are repeated offenses, it doesn't seem logical to me that I'd be punished more severe than other people simply because I've had other bans years ago.

I could follow the logic it if it was a repeated offense in a short amount of time, but it's not like that.

Playing years ago but taking a huge break cancel eachother out. You took the break so IG time the bans are close together thus causing more severe punishment.

Appeal reviewed and denied.

Closing notes: Your ban is valid and will stand as issued.
Suspension for accused player (Mr.Quiggles, 62516) will stand as issued.
Please note, Normaly FearRP is a 24 hour suspension, however you low hours and high amount of bans caused this suspension to be longer.

[FL] Ikaros.
Server Administrative Team
[Image: tumblr_oq4diiJxBR1uo87guo1_500.gif]

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