unban request for FailRP
Your name: PacMan

Your ban ID: 3565

Why we should unban you: Because its a mistake Cheese
I will explain it to you:
I was paramedic and wanted to check if everything is okay with the rebels
after I left my car I got hostaged and they wanted me to pay 2k...well I'm playing realistic so I said I wont pay 2k and then they put me in a little cage and I had to stay there 10mins. Later a rebel came and pressed the open button to joke with me but I escaped and ran away but they found me some mins later and they tried to prop kill me and yh I asked the police (and yh I was told so) but they said I will respawn dont care, even the president said it...well Its a RP so I didnt want to die and before I was able to pay the money I was banned:reson: FailRP..
I think its a mistake Cheese I like Rps and your server is awesome hope you unban me Cheese

sry for my awefull english

cant wait for the unban Cheese and yh Im sry that I said some guys didnt rp like they should but yh its a game and we all gotta learn and actually I gotta learn a lot Cheese but I wanna learn on your server Cheese

I found out the problem why I get banned and yh I'm sry and will never help the rebels again as a Paramedic Cheese (i wanted them to give them a chance to get to the nexus using my ambulance)
Bans shorter than 24 hours can not be appealed.

You were banned for not RP'ing fear. You had people holding guns in your face, thus your character should be afraid for his life, not run around "for the laughs."

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