Accidental Ban?
Your name: WarthoG

Your ban ID: 62328

Banned by: [FL] Ikaron

Reason: BRA (61098) Prop blocking (Extended due to current ban)

Involved: a

[b]Why we should unban you: I haven't been the servers for about a week now, because of a ban, still ongoing, so I do not know how I can propblock if im not on the server. It makes no sense.
Essentially Im asking for whoever issued to ban to remove it, and take it off of my ban record, since i've done nothng wrong,

Kindest Regards, WarthoG
You were banned because someone had made a ban-request on you:
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Dont really see how you're innocent here
[Image: tumblr_oq4diiJxBR1uo87guo1_500.gif]
Ah, right, if he used logic, he would find the keypad in plain sight, on a sofa, but seems people are too stupid to look in logical positions
Even if that's the case its still a rule violation as it would be a double door, I'll change the ban reason for you but thats about it.

And please, dont insult people by calling them stupid.
[Image: tumblr_oq4diiJxBR1uo87guo1_500.gif]
Last time I was on there, I blew the door down, so it wasn't double dooring, so I assume the door respawned when I left

Closing notes: Ill change the ban reason for you but you will stay banned as it is a rule violation
[Image: tumblr_oq4diiJxBR1uo87guo1_500.gif]

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