Previous Ban
Your name: [FL:RP] Zombieshooter47

Your ban ID: 40200

Banned by: [FL] Fultz

Reason: Going out of your way to promote aggressive rp

Involved: Unknown

Why we should remove your ban off record: We were attacking the V2D nexus second floor to release a prisoner (ally) of ours. It went bad since an officer saw us entering and a giant gun fight began. Fultz stepped in and froze us claiming what we were doing wasn't allowed, though we were simply releasing a friend from prison. I think there may of been a misunderstanding of the situation and I believe the ban should be removed from my record.

*WARNING* This is all I can remember of the situation, hopefully Fultz will remember more of his side since this is about all I could get out of my memory. Also, why I posted this a little more then 1 year later was because the rule is generally new about posting on previous bans and not having the time to do it. 
Main reason I am not going to approve this is because it has been a year and I am not removing it "off memory".


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