Player report : MediumSized Khali
Name of player: MediumSized Khali

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:14274017 He recently underwent a name change so it may be wrong.

Time in GMT: 11 ‎March ‎2015, ‏‎19:44:47

Server: v2d

Summary: Fail RP as SRU following me harassing me after being told not to not doing his job.

Medium SizedKhali aka Internet explorer Here!
In my Defence the Police Sergeant model realy is a sexy bald man and i could keep myself from falling in love with it has it Resembled Micheal Scofield form the Famous TV Show Prison Break it was my SRU Lunch Break.

Ps: Tomorrow im Gona go post a BR on my Grandma cuz she says she loves me all the time.
When I'm trying to RP and you're directly obstructing that by harassing me as an SRU, it's huge Fail RP. And what you just said completely disregards the rules and shows a lack of respect for the Fearless rules. Not my problem, your funeral.
Cmon Dex im not gona die im gona be pretty much alive at the end of the week i hope. btw please change the "Time in GMT:" has it is extremly wrong and i have evidence of how it is wrong XD
That was the exact time that I stopped recording with fraps, it's the exact moment it happened. I'm not changing it.
it is impossible and i will tell you later why XD
Oh yes sorry you're right. The date for this is : 11 ‎March ‎2015, ‏‎19:44:47
Dex are you positive that this happened today? at 17:14
Thats the spirit mr Dex! but damn friend you where of by almoust 1 week XD
Ok, i just wanted to say that i do not have any grudge against you because of this post and i am sorry if you felt harrassed by my person in all regards i feel that you didnt take any offence in my words has someone who is offended doesen't wait 5 days to post a ban request and has you said in clementio's post "I almost forgot about your ban request" and people can clearly see you were laughing when you said the second "Stop following me" but even with that if you took any offence i am sorry for it and i will be more carefoul with the people i try to have funny moments with.

If i have any grudge against you or your friends is because of the way you treated clementio in his ban request to you has i feel that everyone deserves respect when making they BR's i am sorry for my first post in this thread.

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