Ban Report on Reaper
Name of player


Time in GMT


He tried to arrest me and [FL:RP] RyanOnPCinFullHD (Who can be classed as a witness) and we started to fire at him. He was killed in the gun fight, but he then came back only to handcuff me and attempt to arrest me (but he didn't realise he needed a warrant). He also tazered me multiple times, I was awoken by the Police Sergeant.

I only have console log evidence of being tazered and cuffed, although I don't think this will prove much therefore you'll have to check the damage logs because they will have time stamps. He died, came back and cuffed me so look out for that.
Request reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Insufficient evidence of any rules being violated by accused player.
Please note, you've not provided any sufficient evidence.

[FL] NightFury
Server Administrative Team

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