Ban Request on Georgy
Name of player:


Time in GMT:
1:20-1:27 GMT+1
Got hostaged and left right after being tied.
Soooo you do realize I left because of AFK? And also there was no reason for you to hostage me, I went to buy Kfc so I stayed in the Mtl till I got back and when I came it said disconnected: AFK. Oh and yeah say the reason you were hostaging me now? cuase sinse im Afk what could I possibly do to you.
[Image: xfmK5LX.jpg]
The original Cuban Minge
And also you had no reason cause as I remember you died last time why were you raiding the Mtl again? if im afk is impossible for you to have a reason Please you would of known I was Afk if I didn't move for 1-20 minutes.
State The reason.
[Image: xfmK5LX.jpg]
The original Cuban Minge
Admin can check logs, I didn't die there by any of you. I actually watched in the distance how you guys killed my rebels. That was the reason for raiding. In what way is it smart to leave yourself afk, when your mates got a chopshop and are on constant alert of being raided. You just stand in the middle of the compound and expect nothing to happen to you. In my opinion going afk is your own responsibility, so perhaps you will log out next time.
No you dont decide what i can do, i can do what ever i like so dont bring your opinions into this.I simply went to buy some Kfc hoping i would be back quick enough to not be kicked.If you knew i was ask why would you post a ban request i dont know but ill let you know right now, Theres no rules broken there.
[Image: xfmK5LX.jpg]
The original Cuban Minge
I didn't knew you were afk, I never stated that. As for you, you don't decide what i post or not, Your account is your responsibility and I am entitled to post this.
As for you doing whatever you like, you got 9 bans already, so that isn't entirely true is it?
He did infact disconnect for being afk, he wasn't aware of the situation.
01:26:51] Georgy™ (STEAM_0:1:90618078) Disconnected ( AFK)


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