I never said it was allowed and wasn't even aware of it happening until it happened to us
And this is all because the plugin is bugged simple as
It's not meant to be allowing it
And this isn't like taking a land with low power as that's different

If I'd be told of it happening to others I could of done same there
And you can moan all you want but your moaning because I removed a piece of land that you claimed due to a bug
And yes people do it more but that doesn't effect others so is ignored for now
(02-14-2015, 11:21 PM)Temar Wrote: I never said it was allowed and wasn't even aware of it happening until it happened to us
And this is all because the plugin is bugged simple as
It's not meant to be allowing it
And this isn't like taking a land with low power as that's different

If I'd be told of it happening to others I could of done same there
And you can moan all you want but your moaning because I removed a piece of land that you claimed due to a bug
And yes people do it more but that doesn't effect others so is ignored for now

As I said above post the logs and let SoulRipper or someone else decided. It is clear that you abused so I want a neutral admin or SoulRipper himself to handle this thread. 
I took your land as admin sorting an issue out as admin
Your power is irelivant
Pointless me posting logs as its me and I can manipulate them if I want but ofc haven't
And I told you before God was to stay on and talk to you. I was not in a position to play simple as
Simple explanation of events to make clear what happened
All below happened in 1 location owned by my faction

- I was afk and they attacked. They had some pvp and people died 
- they then use tnt to blow open the door and damage part of our little base area 
- at some point claiming a piece of land that joined onto our base 
- after getting killed and raging about it pirates logged off
- attack stopped and attackers went home
- I learned they had taken and currently own land next to use which I found unacceptable as its due to a bug that they can and because it was being used in this way decided to take action
- I logged in and expanding the land which is fine as a player but also taking there land as an admin too
- I knew they had warp point set near me and I was safe but I wanted to stay on to talk and explain as an admin
- I was unable to move etc as I was at working using a laptop with touch pad and Remote Desktop so I changed my game mode to creative to protect my self while inexplained
- they just rages and ignores everything I tried to say and ended up posting here
I was a witness to this and I was even able to examine the site of the admin abuse. This is my whole take on the situation: Temar is guilty of admin abuse in the sense of using his admin abilities to cancel a raid that was on his base and the usage of "god mode" (a state where someone is invincible and unable to die) by setting himself into another gamemode*.

The way this whole system works on the Minecraft server is that a player may create a faction (a clan) and invite other players (current maximum is 8). Every player has a set amount of "power" which allows them to claim land and make it so that they're the only one that can access it unless certain permissions are edited. The rule is to have less land than you have power. For when your power falls below your current level of land, another player can capture and make that section their own in a situation like a raid. An important note is to make is that what Noda said above is very true that a week ago, you were unable to claim land that wasn't connected to the first section [a fairly stupid feature if I do say so myself {this will become semi-valid information later}]. This feature is what Temar has intended the server to be like, but after what seemed like a lot of prodding, he agreed to change this. This does contridect what Temar has said to me today, February 14th of 2015, when I was having a talk with him on Steam. See below for the conversation, a tl;dr will be provided below

Gamemode*: In Minecraft, for those of you who have not played it, there are a handful of gamemodes a player/administrator can set themselves into while on a server or single-player. Each of these gamemodes have certain names and features to them, and the gamemode Temar was in at the time was known as "Gamemode 0" or "Creative mode". In this feature, a person cannot: take fall damage, take damage from any hostile force, is not visible to monsters unless said player in question attacks said monster, and cannot die/be harmed by most commands. This person can: deal damage, fly, and spawn in any item they desire (which is untraceable).

In short, Temar has stated that the way the current claiming system is set up to where you may claim any plot of land as long as long as you have the power for it is "bugged" and not the intended way. This contradicts my knowledge of the situation as I was told by [FL] Vauld that he had spoken to Temar and convinced him that this is not a fun way to play the game and that the current, "bugged," method is better. A day or two that Vauld talked to Temar about this, the change was made to the "bugged" gamemode state where you could claim land anywhere. 

Now we get to the current situation at hand which was explained by Ghostkiller prior to my comment. Ghost was besieging the base of TheGreatPirates and after killing a few of the members of said faction, Temar entered the situation while in god mode and forcefully claimed all of the land that Ghost and his associate(s) had taken. *Please note that Ghost had more power than land at the time so the action of forcefully taking the land away from him could've only been done through the actions of an admin. So in doing this, Ghostkiller and associate(s) were left trapped in the newly claimed enemy land and left to wait as Temar went AFK (away from keyboard) for several minutes. 

(02-14-2015, 10:22 PM)Temar Wrote: Oh and your comment about getting abit stuck
Well that's not my fault you setup warps for raiding and then warp onto our land (something I will fix )

In this comment, Temar makes a blatant statement saying that after leaving Ghost stuck he would not release him because it was "Ghost's" fault for using a warp command ("/sethome <name>") to enter the area. This is a completely legal and available command to all players on the server so leaving Ghost to wait after he performed an administrative action proved to be even more abusive. Ghost had committed an action that he did not know was abusive as it had never been announced to anyone (to my and many others' knowledge) that this was a bug and needed to be fixed. 

Conversation with Temar

Final Verdict

Temar is guilty of these actions of admin abuse:

-Setting himself in a gamemode to prevent from being killed in a fight to gain an advantage over the player.
-Forcefully claiming land that another player had control of and had the power to keep
-Leaving a player intentionally trapped in an area after an admin action was just committed
-Failing to explain to the players that committing a commonly performed action on a faction server is abuse

Personal Thoughts

In a faction server, you should have the ability to claim land wherever you'd like, as long as you have the power for said land. This is what makes raiding and playing on a factions server possible. It is not fun to raid an enemy when all they can do is close their doors and laugh at you for trying to do such a funny thing on a gamemode where you should be afraid of getting raided. If the proper way this server is supposed to be set up as is where you can only claim land next to your first square, then I can assure you that many people, including myself, will not be interested in playing on this server. At the moment, I am currently disgusted with the way the server is being managed and Temar's actions. I, personally, believe that he is bending the rules of the faction server and turning on/off functions for his own advantage. I believe that he committed these actions today for his clan, once one of the most powerful, was going to fall. To use admin powers to keep a clan alive is very low and should not be tolerated by the players of this. If these actions continue, I will certainly leave the server because I don't want to play with an owner that has such a twisted idea that he can ruin the fun for everyone else so that he may. 
I think it's time for a world wipe. We need factions fixed, and we need new mods to make this server worth coming back to after a few days. We have none of this.

If this permission was not supposed to be enabled, why was it not tested? I know that people in the pirates knew about this command, so I doubt you never heard about it being functional. And if it weren't supposed to be enabled, I wouldn't have had to start from scratch due to an invasion party.

World wipe please.
Note: The following isn't really in regards to the abuse, as I don't understand factions, but in regards to situations like this in general that might crop up on FL side-servers.

Here's my issue with this, regardless of whether or not Temar abused his powers: We're a gmod roleplay server, and as such all of our effort into making decent rules and monitoring abuse is on our gmod servers, and this makes it really hard to decide what is and what isn't ok on minecraft. Note: I'm not arguing that you can't abuse on minecraft, because I'd imagine that quite clearly you can, but I'm not sure how factions works and what is and what isn't ok, or what admins can do that players can't when it comes to claiming land etc.. It's very confusing, and I think that if we want to run these kind of servers we should either first draft up proper rules for them as well as abuse procedures, or we should just swap between different game-servers as a kind of weekly special; one weekend minecraft factions, another space engineers, another minecraft ftb etc..

I know that isn't entirely on topic, but it's a problem with people taking minecraft factions very seriously on what is a gmod roleplay server; we don't have much precedent or procedure for this, so we either need to make procedure or just take the little extra game servers somewhat less seriously. However, I can certainly understand why people might be upset if temar did in fact abuse his powers, but I have no knowledge of factions - half the admins don't - and as such I can't really comment on this case or judge it.
(02-15-2015, 01:10 AM)Faustie Wrote: Note: The following isn't really in regards to the abuse, as I don't understand factions, but in regards to situations like this in general that might crop up on FL side-servers.

Here's my issue with this, regardless of whether or not Temar abused his powers: We're a gmod roleplay server, and as such all of our effort into making decent rules and monitoring abuse is on our gmod servers, and this makes it really hard to decide what is and what isn't ok on minecraft. 

So then why do we have a Minecraft server? If rules are not set, Fearless is not set to run the server. 
I'm involved in this case as well, as I was online during the said events.

Temar used administrative powers to claim land claimed by another faction. The land in question is now owned the faction The Great Pirates.

His statement regarding the said abuse was it was a bug. If this was true, and this is indeed a bug (Being able to claim land broken off of the original claim) then why has he failed to claim the land of every faction that owns land apart from the original claim, and not just the land owned by the faction near The Great Pirates faction. Not only did Temar claim the land that TheUnknown had claimed (Ghostkiller's faction) but land surrounding it. He claimed this land with administrative tools, and not with legitimate commands that the common player has access to.

If this was due to the bug, then the land claimed should have been claimed by Temar using administrative powers, and unclaimed the land, not allow The Great Pirate faction to still own the land.

As Faustie stated, about how Minecraft on the Fearless community is to be taken less seriously, I must ask why the admin Vauld was punished as he had also had an abuse case posted against him. If Minecraft within the Fearless community isn't going to be taken seriously, I ask why another admin was punished due to his actions, which had been far less obtrusive within the gameplay of the server. Temar had directly affected the gameplay within the server.
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How do I claim involvement? I know how Factiosm works and there is a huge amount of mis-knowledge from all parties in this thread, so I thought i'd shed some light. As per the guidelines I am giving Key information so I refute any warning points given.

When you raid, you claim some land next to the enemy territory. This then means you can build a tnt cannon or some sort of raiding feature, be it a tnt, arrow, obby gen or simply a bedrock fort. This means their "advantage" was fair and just. I play my unfair amount of factions and this is not an "advantage" but a commonly used tactic. As for Temar's said glitch. The reason he can do it is because of his Operator status on the server. This means he has full permission override. Anything he thinks he's turned off for the average Jo he's still got for himself, unwillingly or not

My opinion on the statement to do with an advantageous raid and a bug is that they are null and void, as I've just explained both in clear day.

To add to this, the way factions land claiming works is as follows.

You can claim land. It will cap at a server set max limit. If you have power below the area claimed other factions can "over claim" an area. Power works off the basis of members in your faction and the amount of kills they have against the amount of deaths. I.E It Temar were to die 20 times, his power would go to around -10, taking 20 Power from his faction, thus lowering safe claimable area. Meaning its not yours. Clearly Temar has limited knowledge of the plugin, and hasn't don't his fair amount of research into how a server of this sort works.

Not involved - Warned

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