UBR - Dex
Your name: Dex

Your ban ID: 39263

Banned by: Narcotic 

Reason: "NLR"

Involved: Myself and Chocbar98

Why we should unban you: Right, so this ban wasn't valid at all and I've probably left this a while to protest, however at the time I just assumed I did wrong, because Narc. I was RPing as a police at the time and we were under a soviet government, the president was handing out rewards to cops and government officials who had done good things for his government, it came to me. I walked up on to the stage and he presented my award, at which point I was gunned down, alongside most people in the Nexus because there were a few dictatorial rules. I spawned back and was instantly killed, as I was in the middle of the gunfire and didn't have time to react or take evasive action. I respawned once again and ran out the room shooting my gun at the people shooting me, in order to take evasive action against their shots and I was instantly banned for NLR.
Now, let's explain why this wasn't an NLR breach at all.
1. I left the Nexus after being spawn killed and didn't remain in the same area or withhold memories from my previous life.
2. I shot them because they were shooting at me, even if it's a new life, if somebody is shooting at me, I'm a cop and I was completely entitled to shoot back at the criminals, especially if it meant preventing my death.

Now, I know Narc is long gone and you won't be able to receive a statement from him but maybe a dig back into the logs would be required here, because looking back this ban was completely ridiculous, thanks.
The issues with appealing a ban that is two years old is that we don't really have any logs that go that far back.

You've also appealed this ban previously and I don't see any reason why we should draw a different conclusion: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=38783

We only remove old bans when there's firm evidence to prove ones innocence something you cannot do. Therefore we will not remove the ban on your record. Appealing old bans is pointless unless you got firm evidence to prove that it's invalid. Statements doesn't prove anything.

Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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