BR on Seanm0492
Name of player: Seanm0492

SteamIDSadcouldnt get it the server kicked us out a minute later)

Time in GMT: 02:56

Summary: I was a police officer walking with the president along with almost all the other people he came and spawned a small phx slide prop. Then he started trying to proppush and/or prophurl us some SS and officers shot at him (trying to live) while I got back and took screens the last one is the only one i could get close enough to take a picture with his name in it.

Evidence: Other than the logs (which will be of almost no help) and a few witnesses who I also hope got screens.
Also Storm's mom is a hottie and Andreas and King Guami do her all day every day. -In memory of the biggest Troll Thread in FL history
oh yer he was swinging that all over the place, im suprised people didnt get killed with it

see... he did this twice...

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