Report: On 4 people.
Name of player:

1. [FL:RP]Doodle
2. [FL:RP] Dr Hibbert
3. Samzo
4. lolipop

1. [FL:RP]Doodle => STEAM_0:0:34168461

2. [FL:RP] Dr Hibbert => STEAM_0:1:32019399
3. Samzo => STEAM_0:0:46187149
4. lolipop => STEAM_0:1:34879891

Time in GMT:
2015-01-23 23:37:49 GMT +1 (Swedish Timezone)


I was SRU and guarded the president at nexus top floor (I did not have any calls). 3 people were allowed upside uncuffed while the police sergeant who let them up, knew that he need to cuff people. They were claiming that they was FBI and came from another city. They were speaking about something that we already have enough of goverment workers and that he cannot take in anymore. When after a while Hibbert said "Either you are with us or you are against us" and they made similar treaths to the president, so I had to cuff them for his own security.

While they were cuffed, he started arguing about an old Ban request (Gray Face) which was the president have made on him, and said he FailRP because he did not want them as FBI's. They claimed that they would make a ban request on us and just were breaking rules themself.

The president decided to not have them as goverment officials, and asked them to leave. I was next to him when he described it and I told them to leave and there is 2 ways, either you leave self or I will have to take you into custody. Finally they left outside the president office and I was escorting them out with a tazer, when Dr Hibbert ran back and started treathing the president again saying "We will come back". I got tierd of him not following my direct orders or the presidents, so I had to arrest him for not following direct orders(He also broke fear RP, because I had him cuffed and had a tazer in my hands all the time "When I escorted them").

I arrested him, then his friend or mate started saying I will kill you and the president. So I had to arrest him because he wanted to kill the president and my job is to keep him safe. I arrested the other man after a while, when the Police Sergeant came up one more time with (lolipop) uncuffed, he ran into the president office claimed to want a meeting and then took up a Mp5 as Civilian to kill the president, he faiiled and I took him down. (Which was RDM and he had no reason to shoot the pres).

Then the last guy Doodle was running around ignoring me having tazer and he did whatever he liked. Then I arrested him aswell.

Then they started flaiming in OOC, you can check the video urself.

Makavelli, first of all it was Fail RP because you were treating us like criminals when we were evidently F.B.I Agents wanting to RP with the pres, we were reluctant to leave as imagine this, you've been transferred from another city, and now you're being told by the pres that they're not going to accept you? We wanted our jobs and I said before you started recording. Plus, your tazer was down the whole time, I didn't even see it. Fear RP is when a gun or tazer is pointed at you, which it wasn't I was at no risk I didn't even see the tazer, if you wanted to put us under Fear RP you should have got the tazer in open sight and pointed it at us and instructed us to leave, putting us under Fear RP and making us abide by your commands. I was mad at the time, Gray Face and I have a history, I don't particularly like the guy and I had my eyes set on a BR but I decided against doing so. And me saying "This pres can't do his job. Kinda sucks really" Isn't flaming in OOC at all, I'm not insulting anybody I was clearly stating that he wasn't doing his job and engaging in RP properly, this is massively out of context as he was demoting a lot of people at the time and not responding to warrants and being rude to citizens.
In regards to what lolipop did (kill the president) that's got nothing to do with me, he was a citizen, me Samzo and Doodle were the guys who were doing the FBI RP.

But I'd just like to exclaim one more thing, imagine this. You're an FBI, 25 years done in LA (Which is what we were rping with) and then you get a transfer from your old stable job into a place where there's no job. We instantly became the presidents enemy at that point, promptly after we become protesters and we were protesting in the Nexus at the fact that we'd lost our job, we weren't raiding as there was no valid reason, I really don't see what you're trying to BR me for.

If you could state the rules that you feel we've breached that'd be very helpful due to the fact that at the moment, this BR is very blurry.
Gonna quote this and say that if you are F.B.I you shouldn't treath to take the presidents life several times, you broke your own passive RP. Enough said, let admin decide.
I don't understand what you're trying to get us banned for exactly? Clearly your videos show there were no rules breached, apart from Lolipop not changing his job when attacking the president. So unless you have valid evidence of us breaking the rules, there is nothing here. I made a threat, yes. I may have been supposed to have been working for the government but a lot of people say things when they're angry correct? So that's not exactly a ban offence, Hibbert clearly done absolutely nothing wrong, he was leaving when asked. And it's the exact same for Doodle, he has done nothing which would breach any rules from the server.
No, I personally didn't threaten to take the presidents life what so ever. Like you said, I said we could work together, or work against each other. This was because our plan B was to become agents for another faction, who would probably be against the president. The biggest threat I made was "We'll be back, don't worry". And we were back, we were back protesting.
Request is currently under review.

Review Notes:
Evidence toward accused users ([FL:RP]Doodle, STEAM_0:0:34168461), ([FL:RP] Dr Hibbert, STEAM_0:1:320199), (Samzo, STEAM_0:0:46187149) and (lolipop, STEAM_0:1:34879891) is under examination for rule violations

Suspension undecided, your patience is appreciated greatly.

[FL] Diggy
Server Administrative Team
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
Thanks Diggy, appreciated.
I RPed an abused maid.

Before you think I'm just messing around by saying that, I worked in the first floor of the nexus. I had my reasons to eliminate the abuser. The cop who allowed me to the president's floor was the one who didn't cuff me, so that's not really my responsibility.

I do want to apologize for forgetting to change my name to "Nexus Maid". I never really thought about it until it was pointed out to me here. I'm sorry about that, I'll remember next time.
7 hours later...
Experienced players shouldn't be threatening people with ban requests half-way through an RP situation, you were also FailRPing by threating the president multiple times as F.B.I agents.

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