Unban Todcat3
Your name: Todcat3

Your ban ID: 2575

Why we should unban you: Well, to start things off, i'm sorry for my previous bans. Most of which I was clearly in the wrong and didn't do the right thing. I did look over the more intricate rules and see where I slipped up. Secondly, my ban that I'm requesting out of right now, I don't fully understand. I was banned for: "Go play HL2DM if you don't know how to RP." Also I was banned from console when this happened, so was the admin who banned me, banning me for getting kills in a short amount of time? I'm not sure.

The only thing I can think of that might have made that show up was a minge, who decided it would be funny to shoot at a group of people and, die, come back and do it about 3 times over. I know that you are supposed to inform an admin of people doing things instead of taking care of it yourself. However, there were no admins on, and none of them are on my steam friends list. So I don't understand exactly what I was supposed to do in the moment, take screenshots and let him kill me? No, I would kill him. I'm just not sure how you can ban from console without seeing what is happening. Sorry, I guess. Also, there were witnesses there. They can tell you the same thing.

EDIT: Also, I had 2 RP points. Just an added thought.

Thanks for reading this.

P.S. Do you lose everything when you get permanently banned?
I love Ryan.

[Image: CL836.png]
(08-28-2011, 01:14 AM)todcat Wrote: Secondly, my ban that I'm requesting out of right now, I don't fully understand. I was banned for: "Go play HL2DM id you don't know how to RP." Also I was banned from console when this happened, so was the admin who banned me, banning me for getting kills in a short amount of time? I'm not sure.

Your ban happened because you spent all your time getting a gang together and started finding reasons to kill people. It's not fun at all, what's wrong with passive RP?
(08-28-2011, 03:27 AM)elder189 Wrote:
(08-28-2011, 01:14 AM)todcat Wrote: Secondly, my ban that I'm requesting out of right now, I don't fully understand. I was banned for: "Go play HL2DM id you don't know how to RP." Also I was banned from console when this happened, so was the admin who banned me, banning me for getting kills in a short amount of time? I'm not sure.

Your ban happened because you spent all your time getting a gang together and started finding reasons to kill people. It's not fun at all, what's wrong with passive RP?

I had 2 RP points if you read... So not obviously I do Passive Rp.... Also since when is being violent against the rules?
I love Ryan.

[Image: CL836.png]
We do not support violent RP and we mention it here and there all the time.

Here's two examples I immediately came up with:

If you have nothing to do with this issue, then do not post here.
(08-30-2011, 05:47 AM)killjoy Wrote: We do not support violent RP and we mention it here and there all the time.

Here's two examples I immediately came up with:

If you have nothing to do with this issue, then do not post here.

Like I said, I got 2 RP points, so not always violent. I am voilent at times but, there is no real rule agaisnt it. Technically did nothing wrong.
I love Ryan.

[Image: CL836.png]
Posting the same thing over and over again won't get you unbanned.

I don't remember what you exactly did back then, but there's definitely more to it than just a high score.
(08-30-2011, 06:30 AM)killjoy Wrote: Posting the same thing over and over again won't get you unbanned.

I don't remember what you exactly did back then, but there's definitely more to it than just a high score.

Just Sayin'. I don't know who banned me from console. But, that was the reason they gave.
I love Ryan.

[Image: CL836.png]
Ok so here’s what I remember. I was with Tod the whole time so I missed nothing Smile we were playing as rebels. Him the leader like always (he has a gift for planning out raids) all rebels were gathered at the rebel spawn, in the house. It had been established by the president that all rebels were banned from the city, which is the reason we decided to raid the president. Maybe even kill him. We hadn’t decided yet. As we were planning out the way we were going to raid nexus, one of our lookouts noticed an unemployed walking around the outside of the house looking in through our windows. We went outside to see what he was doing, but when we asked him he didn’t respond to us and continued walking around the house. We went back inside and he followed us in. With no guns out we asked him if he could leave. Eventually he started shooting at us. It was just a usp so it wasn’t powerful enough to kill us but it was rather annoying. After he ran out of ammo we all pulled our guns out and pointed them at him. We again asked for him to remove himself from the area immediately and he refused. Refusing to leave with guns pointed in his face broke fear rp. We didn’t have any hostage rope so we didn’t bother tying him up. After yelling at him 3 or 4 times we told him that he had 10 seconds to leave the area or we would execute him. He still did not respond to this. We counted it out all the way to about 8, then he moved like he was about to leave but then turned around and stood in the doorway. At 10, Tod put a bullet right in his head and we went back to our planning. Not 30 seconds later we were interrupted by our lookout that the man was back. Obviously he was spawning at tides. The second he got back to our location, Tod shot him again. We didn’t give him the chance to have 10 seconds because it was obvious he wasn’t going to leave. After planning for another 20 or so seconds we saw him again. This time I ran out to meet him. He looked at me for a couple of seconds, then continued heading toward the house. This time I shot him. This cycle continued on. All of the rebels taking turns standing out near the door and killing him when he got close. Finally it was time to raid. We turned to go through the door and he was standing there again. Tod walked forward and shot him again, like we all had done. Right at that moment Tod disappeared. I was already in a steam chat with Tod and I asked him if he had crashed. He said no that the consol had just banned him.
I will not use huge images in my signature again
That sounds like a fair story, however you should try to contact an admin to report that NLR + Fear RP breaker.

But it's a perm ban so the admin that banned you can decide.
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Granted, you're given a new chance.

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