Your name: Samzohoho

Your blacklist ID: 55786

Steam ID:
I'm guessing for my Rdm.
Staff member who blacklisted you:
FL Burnett
Reason why you should be unblacklisted:
I just served a 3 day ban for my Rdm and I come back to the server just about to start rp and I have 4 hours of a blacklist from weapons? Surely my 3 day ban was enough.. I think the blacklist should be lifted.
You thinking that the blacklist isn't needed is not a reason for the blacklisting administrator to remove it. He issued a ban and a blacklist for a reason.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Stop making UBRs or UBLs regarding this topic, samzo. I warned you twice! Check your previous one. Denied. Reason above.

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