FUMUKU International
Out of Character Information
Steam Name:WooZiee
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:65225938 
Your Age: 16
Hours on server:390h
RP Events you have been in:city 24, FIB EvoMotors.
RP Point Amount: 0 
Ban History on Fearless RP: 4
Picture shows all Information of the bans: http:     
2.Jumping infront of bus to avoid an rp situasion
3.Stepping on injured body.
4.Prop spamming with huge props causing decent lags, RDM attempt, Breaking NLR.
All these bans are over 1 year old.
In Character Information: Tall, 25 years, Never takes off his Suit.  
Division you are applying for:FUMUKU International Security Division/FUMUKU International Security Directors
Full Name: Paul Walker
All Nicknames: Paul
Date of Application:12/22/2014
Date of birth:05/10/1989
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Evocity Hospital.
Telephone Number: 415 915 32
Driver's License Number: 98763542 (License Plate: WooZiee)
Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: Evo-Industrial 3.
Zip code: 4007
Suburb / City: EvoCity
Why are you applying: I´m applying because i really want to have some Serious people to RP with and i know i can make EvoCity a better place. I love the feeling to RP with friends and when im in a gunfight. I like to keep ppl save and destroy the enemies. FUMUKU looks badass and im a badass.
What is your background in the field you are applying for: I worked for a company called UltraLux, our job was to sell luxury funiture, after a while it got boring and i felt like i needed a new job something more fun, so i searched the net when i finally found you guys the FUMUKU.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU:I know i got what it takes, im good behind triggers, im the best behind wheels and i enjoy RPing with serious RPers. I´m really active I play on the server 24/7. It feels good when i have a crew i can trust and have a good time with. I can work for you 100% free, and i will offer my 100%

What will you offer FUMUKU: I will offer security, A good time, a Good RP expeiense and My trust.

Character Bio: Paul Walker was born in 1989 on EvoCity Hospital. Paul lived with his Mom Kelli and father Beto until he was 16. Paul and his best friend Chang was addicted to heroin. One day there parents decided to put them out of the house. Paul and Chang didnt really care about there lives, they just wanted to have fun and live with the sun. Paul and Chang had been arrested alot of times before. Paul and Chang are living a poor life in the rebel life. One day they decided to start planting and selling weed so they could buy food. After a long time of selling weed to mafias and corrupt cops Paul and Chang got enough money to move in to a nicer house located at the corleone village. They didnt really get along with the rich corleone, the corleones was threatening them, they said "if you 2 scums doesnt leave this rich mans neighborhood something bad is gonna happen!" Paul and Chang was scared, but they loved there new home! Paul and Chang decided not to leave, they thought that the corleones was just playing around. Suddenly one day Paul woke up from a loud sound, paul was scared, he heard loud screams from downstairs. After 10 min it was completly quite, Paul ran downstairs to see what the sound was. When Paul got downstairs he saw 2 tall man with black jacket and black hats running out his front door. Paul saw alot of blood on the floor, so he started to follow the blod. Paul was crying, he started to realize where the blod was coming from, Paul screamd "Chang! Chang! are you ok!" When Paul got his eyes on his dead best friend he didnt know what to do, he called the police screaming for help! 2 weeks later Paul moved again to the lake in a small and nice looking house, Paul was starting to become really successfull he had alot of great neighbors. After a while he decided to get his first job at a company called Ultalux, but he didnt enjoy this job. After 5 weeks he became a ECPD officer he wanted to figth the EvoCity crimes! Paul is now a sucessfull man living with his wife Laura and his 2 kids Jack and Jones. Paul loves working for the law, he is about to get promoted to a higher rank called FUMUKU.
*I am posting on behalf of [FL:RP] MrKat. The Reason for this is because he is banned from the current forums*

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] MrKat

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:34971534

Your Age: 14

Hours on server: 254

RP Events you have been in: Mafia RP

RP Point Amount: 0

Ban History on Fearless RP: 8 Bans

Picture shows all Information of the bans:


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Security
Full Name: John McClane
All Nicknames:
Age: 29
Date of Application: 23/12/2014
Date of birth:12/06/1985
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Evo Hospital - Evocity
Telephone Number: 07966645325
Mobile: 07966645325
Driver's License Number: 954335614

Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 1 Park Lane Close
Zip code: NE19 8HT
Suburb / City: Suburbs

Why are you applying: I love to help people, Make sure everyone is safe, that the city is safe.

What is your background in the field you are applying for:I have experience in firearms

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU: To keep everyone safe. To meet new people.

What will you offer FUMUKU: Resilience, Integrity

Character Bio: Smart, Friendly
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP][VD]Connbobmas

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39143054

Your Age: (Private - sorry)

Hours on server: 381

RP Events you have been in: 1 on the event server, City 24

RP Point Amount: 0

Ban History on Fearless RP: 2 bans. NLR both times. Each 1 day.
(sorry for no picture, just search it.)


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: The Security Devision


Full Name: Steve McGarret

All Nicknames: Steve

Age: 32

Date of Application: 24/12/2014


Date of birth:   7/7/1982

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: Hawaii

Telephone Number: 0724787578

Mobile: ^^

Driver's License Number: 065789


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Apt.13 Elm Street

Zip code: ESL683


Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 36 Kaluwe Street

Zip code: HWI689

City - Hawaii - Honolulu


Why are you applying?: I am applying as I am a very skilled gunman who has worked in the elite Five-0 taskforce in Hawaii. If you check my jobs that I have done for Hawaii, you would be impressed, I have stopped criminals from robbing banks, I have tracked down cyberterrorists and even more. I think that this could really benifit you and I would really love to help such a big group with the same passion as me.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?: I have worked in Five-0, Hawaii's Governor task force and I think I would be able to put that skill, mentioned above in to use.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?: I think you should pick me as I have worked in an elite taskforce as mentioned above, I am a sharp shooter and I can protect people, like I did in Hawaii, so I think this could be really beneficial  for FUMUKU. I work well with other people, and I am willing to take risks that could put me at risk for others.

What will you offer FUMUKU?: I will offer FUMUKU a willing person who will take risks if necessary, and I will also be an available asset to the team, with good strength, skill, and other things, like sharpshooting. I am trained to use many weapons and will get the job done, small or large. I hate criminals so I will work my hardest to make EvoCity clean, and a safe place to live.

Character Bio:  am a strong person who has been in the Navy Seals, my father was attacked in Hawaii while I was on a mission, transporting the suspects brother, my dad was nearly killed but Danny Williams of the Honolulu police stopped the killer. We worked together and created a taskforce, with the governor of Hawaii, Five-0.

- Conn
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Jester
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:64127604
Your Age: 14
Hours on server: 140
RP Events you have been in: 1
RP Point Amount: 0 
Ban History on Fearless RP: 0 Bans
In Character Information: 
Division you are applying for: FUMUKU Security Division
Full Name: John Smith
All Nicknames: Oleg Kyrrlov
Age: 34
Date of Application: 12/24/2014
Date of birth:   05/09/1980
Gender: M
Place of Birth: Detroit Illinois
Telephone Number: 732-459-1256
Mobile: 908-341-2518
Driver's License Number: 4602-411-52-951-4
Current Residence (Complete in Full): 
Address: 7th Avenue, New York City, NY
Zip code: 10005
Previous Residence (Complete in Full):
Address: 12 Main Street, Detroit, IL
Zip code: 48201
Why are you applying? I wish to make a difference in EvoCity. For the 4 Years I have lived there and seen many a drug deal go down, I stood there helpless, I want that to change and I want to protect others from having the same fate. I love EvoCity more than I as much as I would love my Wife, and I want others to do so also, with Crime Conditions at an all-time high, I feel that FUMUKU will be the best bet for ridding the scum of the city.
What is your background in the field you are applying for? I worked for Alterix as an Agent, we many times have led and supported raids for the Government and have had many situations where we have had to secure the President, for his own safety. I personally have had many an issue with The Corleones, they have tried and failed at taking my personal and my companies property, I am proficient with long-distance firearms and I have a steady hand for heavier sidearms.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I have a true desire to make this city a better place, and I am sure that FUMUKU Security was created for the same reason, I will follow every proper order given from my seniors and I will not disobey them or harm the clan by breaking the rules set by the creators. I know that Seniority is everything when it comes to difficult situations, following every last order will be the best. Once I meet my Commanding Officer I will undoubtedly follow his/her every command. I am constantly in EvoCity so any projects that need to be accomplished I can do it, and maintain it for a long period of time.
What will you offer FUMUKU? I will offer FUMUKU my true Loyalty, and perseverance to protecting this city and its many kind inhabitants. I have been trained in weapons that are known to be tricky to use such as Tranquilizers and have also been trained in Undercover Operations, I can pose as a lowly citizen to infiltrate and reveal criminal injustice. I have gotten into many brawls in my younger days so I am trained in hand to hand combat if the situation arises. I will offer the dedication that will empower us to succeed further beyond our bounds.
Character Bio: I was born in Detroit, Illinois in a poor family, my dad left me at a young age and my mother was forced to work two jobs to support me and my 2 brothers and 1 sister. As I progressed into my teenage years, I learned I have to fend for myself in the world so I got a job working at a Gym, cleaning the equipment, every now and then I would get in lifting during the graveyard shifts. I stayed in school ntil the age of 17 when my mother died, as the oldest of my family I had to get a better job along with my sister. I applied to many companies but they were all looking for a person with a High School Diploma minimum. One day a man, offered my family a home in a new city called EvoCity, he told us that everything would be taken care of for 6 months. At the sight of this situation we jumped at the chance. This is when I first saw Evo, the Nexus stood tall and proud I thought it was a perfect community, but my opinions quickly changed when my two younger brothers were killed in a Black Market Deal, I knew then and there that I had to help this city. I was going to work at the lake for a fishing company, a good job with a decent payroll, when a man named Lionel Richtea approached me to buy something, he saw that I had been through tough times and offered me a proper well paying job. He invited me into the Alterix Corporation and I accepted, we stopped many a criminal and we have saved many a President's life, but that was not meant to be. Alterix closed down in a blaze of fire and vanished in an instant, at this point the only training I had was as a Security Guard, I got enough money to move to New York City, where my sister moved years before. I moved there and worked as a Bouncer for a Fancy Restaurant, and decided that might as well settle here. 3 Years later I met my wife, Jude and we were quickly in love, after 6 months of dating I popped the question, and she cheerily replied with a "Yes!", we were married for 4 Years, but it was not meant to be, she did not like the jobs I had to take and she got a divorce, taking all of my possesions with her, I remembered that I had a small plot in EvoCity, and caught the first bus there. When I returned the city was plagued by multitudes of Dictators and Freedom Fighters fighting over what was right, that was when I met FUMUKU for the first time, they were taking down the Corleones who had just killed the prevoius President, I knew what I had to do next, and that was join FUMUKU.
I have decided to completely relieve my self from all FUMUKU services.

Equal is out.
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
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Quick Note: Application Review in process, ETA 24hrs
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP] Clawz

Steam ID:

Your Age: 13

Hours on server: 150

RP Events you have been in: 2, official ones, but I have been in around 7 or 8 unofficial RP events.

RP Point Amount: None, although I do participate in a lot of RP events, but because of the time difference, they usually end at midnight, and as much as I like Fearless RP, I'm not going to bed that late.

Ban History on Fearless RP: Never been banned.


In Character Information:

Division you are applying for: Security Division


Full Name: Momo Murkin Muffly

All Nicknames: ClawZ or MMM

Age: 23

Date of Application: 28/12/2014


Date of birth:  09 /   03/91

Gender: Male

Place of Birth: EvoCity

Telephone Number: 04 - 94  -73 - 58 - 37 - 46

Mobile: 06 - 88 - 79 - 68 - 93

Driver's License Number: 6901


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Russia Lane

Zip code: 8765

Suburb / City: Evocity

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 123 Evo Street

Zip code: 4523

Suburb / City: EvoCity


Why are you applying? In Character: I have been in EvoCity my entire life now. I'm 23 and I'd like to start a carreer now. Due to the loss of a parent, most of the members in my family have been unable to work properly, this leading to unemployment. My family is therefore in debt now and it would be very nice to be able to support them financially.

I also need this job for self - satisfaction. I have to admit, I have always been wanting a job in the "Security domain" but no other company has interested me as much as this one. I'm ready to do anything I can to join this company, even if it involves years of training.

Out of character: I was looking for a structured, official clan, that fit exactly the RP I was planning on doing. Once I read this clan page, I just knew, that this clan was for me.

What is your background in the field you are applying for? In Character: I graduated a few years ago from the SRU training Academy.  Straight after it, I got a letter from the DGSE (the french equivalent of the FBI), telling me that they noticed me at the academy and that they had a job for me. Unfortunately, that letter came at the wrong time. The postman gave it to me when I was coming back from my dad's funeral. It was too much to take in, so I shoved it in the bin. The loss of a loved one was more important than my future at the time, but now I have learned to put my past behind me and think of the future instead. At the time, I wasn't ready for such a big responsability, so I thought I should start slowly.

A year later, I start some training at the ESA "Evocity Security Academy". The thing just tought you some professional martial arts and properly shooting pistols. The Academy  was divided into five levels, the fith one being the best of them all.  I managed to pass the first and second one very easily, since I already had experience in the FBI training Academy. I beat the record for passing levels and ended up in level 3. In that one, we were taught to use UMPs and tazers. I have to say, that was quite of a shock. I was used to using the little pistols we were given  in level one and two, and the weight, the stability, and the difficulty to aim in  assault rifle suprised me. It took me Seven months to complete level 3 of the training. Level 4 was about neutralizing an armed enemy, and using M4s. I have to say, that one was a really interesting level, but it was only a year later in level 5 that all the fun happened. Level 5 was all about the field. We had to assist qualified officers during raids and fights against armed rebels. After that, I achieved the the ESA diploma giving me a wide choice of jobs in the security division.

All that to say that I'm a trustworthy, qualified agent for this job.

Out of Character: I participate in raids every day, on servers. I make sure no rules are broken and actively post ban requests on people who break them so that the server can remain clean on mingers.

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? In and Out of Character: As you can see I'm qualified enough for this job, and am ready to RP  with you. I'm an active member of the community, and will be even more within Fumuku if you decide to accept me.

What will you offer FUMUKU? First of all I'll be offering my expertise: my knowledge of martial arts, and weapons could save lives.

My Courage: I'm ready to put my life on the line for this job, and you have to admit, it is risky!

My skills: These will help me bring the crime rates down, and I'll do everything in power to do so.

Character Bio:

I was born and raised in EvoCity. I went to the local schools before graduating and studying at the FBI academy. After earning my diploma, an event changed my family's life: the loss of a loved one. At the wrong time, a letter from the DGSE arrived. I refused their job, thinking that it was too much responsability. I then earned the ESA diploma allowing me to participate in many raids and fights. I regularly exercise, in order to be in good shape for a job in the security division.
I'm now 23 and interested in your company.

Yours sincerely,

Momo Muffly
Application For FUMUKU International
Out of Character Information
Steam Name: BloodyGamer567
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42359434
Your Age: 13 but I'm mature and the thing is my voice is still a bit high
Hours on server: 108
RP Events you have been in:
RP Point Amount: 0
Ban History on Fearless RP: 3
In Character Information: Born and raised in Wisconsin and I usually had no friends to be with so I grew up my childhood with my friend James 'Mattew' Taylor, and we've been friends ever since and we've live in the same city and trying to find a job that fits us. We moved to Brush Creek a year ago and it's been great.
Division you are applying for: Security Division
Full Name: Johnny 'John' Shnider
All Nicknames: Bloody
Age: 27
Date of Application: 2014 December 28
Date of birth:   6/7/1987
Gender: M
Place of Birth: United States 
Telephone Number: [img=12x12]chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl/call_skype_logo.png[/img]262-781-8890
Mobile: 395-7935
Driver's License Number:F255-9215-0121-05
Current Residence (Complete in Full): A city just outside of Evo called Brush Creek and I know it sounds weird buts it's a great town.
Address: Cloverwood drive
Zip code: 84911
Suburb / City: City
Previous Residence (Complete in Full): Wisconsin 
Address: Skepin Ave
Zip code:53188
Suburb / City: Suburb
Why are you applying? Because I would like to take part in your Company and help protect the ones who can't protect their selves.
What is your background in the field you are applying for? I usually get hired for protecting General stores, restaurants, and the nexus.  
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? Because I'm really experience and I can handle a bad situation.
What will you offer FUMUKU? My support, my protection, and my service
Character Bio: I was born and raised in Wisconsin when I was 9 my parents got a divorce and I was sad. I would play football to keep my mind off it and I stopped when I was 13. I stared working out more and I started to forget that my parents got an divorce and i usually stayed with my dad. I got my licence and first job at 16 and I was a night guard at a museum. I stopped at 17 when i went to collage then finished it after 4 years. after I finished I wanted to find a company that needs people and it was called FUMUKU.
-Application Revoked-.
[Image: tumblr_oq4diiJxBR1uo87guo1_500.gif]
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name: alan bradhsaw
why i want to join: FUMUKU international is a very active and sometimes respected clan that are usually involved in the larger RP situations which i would love to take part in and assist on setting up in any way i can
why you should let me join: i am a very active player before and after i returned from my break (PC BROKE) i don't mind sacrificing wealth for the good of the team and i am a good RP'er (my opinion)

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