Unban Request (again cause no admins responds)
Your name: Eric Cartman

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:39325159

Banning Admin: Flame

Ban Length: Unknown.

Reason for the ban: its says: Failing to comply rp at all.

Why we should unban you: i was banned for 24 hours, its over 4 weeks now and im still banned, i tried everything... i PM'd Flame and other admins about this problem. please unban me, i already waited to long for this.
everytime i log in the server i get this:
disconnect- kicked from server, reason at fearlessrp.net | there isnt a reason at all here.
Go to the top of the website where it says "Bans". Click on there, your ban is #2330 and #2350, first one in which you name WAS NOT Eric Cartman, it was G-MANN, and it was "failed to comply rp at all". The second ban was due to a ban request being approved and your ban will be lifted on September 13th.

http://fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid...ght=G-MANN here was the ban request against you... sorry buddy but you messed up big time. Learn your lesson, read over all the rules again, and don't break them and we will all have a good time on the Fearless RP server without any trouble Smile
yes, i did kill them, not arresting. i wanted those guys and killed them myself.
Reason: when i was in the elevator they made a trick. one of them was standing on the first floor of the building and the other one on the second floor. they keep pressing elevator buttons so i was getting stuck in the elevator, they did that for like 10 minutes!
Thats why i did that :/ and now im the one getting banned.
Learn from your mistakes instead of passing the blame around.

Request denied.

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