[Unofficial] The Takaha-Gumi [Pas/Agr]
[Image: New%20logo.png]
"A talented hawk hides its talons."

[Image: red-steel-katana.png]
[Image: VaK9mew.png]

The Takaha-Gumi is a right-wing Japanese corporation specializing in real-estate,
banking, politics and stock market exchange.

With far reaching business practices the Takaha-Gumi can gain access to and provide almost anything you need..
We also export items with complete secrecy to other lands for 'local entrepreneurs"
who may be unable to market their products locally.

Though known well for legitimate business the Takaha-Gumi is mainly associated with violent and sometimes deadly gang behavior.

This includes Yubitsume rituals (finger amputation,)
receiving gang related tattoos and even
selling the skins of fallen tattooed members illegally.

Officially registered as a Yakuza gang
the Takaha-Gumi is responsible for many of the following:

Gun running, illegal drug distribution,
 bootleg product sales, human trafficking,
 extortion, money laundering,
 loan sharking,
the transportation of contraband,
violent threats and murder.

Though the Takaha-Gumi has also helped in times of disaster,
providing relief and supplies to citizens long before government help arrived.

What makes the Takaha-Gumi special is its action when confronted with rival groups.
Typically the Takaha-Gumi seeks out and maintains long term alliances with triads, mafia groups, other yakuza groups and more.

Legitimate businesses.

[Image: red-steel-katana.png]
[Image: 7yKa8pm.png]

The Takaha-Gumi was founded in 1978 in Nagoya, Japan by Takano Seiken as a real estate company.

Takano Seiken served an 8 year prison sentence lasting until 1986 after which Takano decided
to create a safe place for ex-criminals in his company; due to the rates of unemployment for ex-cons like himself.

Since then the Takaha-Gumi has continued age old traditions of justice and honor,
joining few others who hold the title

 "the last samurai."

However this title comes with a stigma of violent gang behavior which the Takaha-Gumi
has inherited, leading to many issues in modern society.
Takano Seiken responded to this by uniting several Nagoya gangs into an organization, earning him
the title of "terrorist" from the Japanese government.

Though being wanted by several countries for a variety of crimes the top members of the Takaha-Gumi
remain fairly open on office locations, even having signs outside.
Though through various journalists it has been shown the homes and offices
of the Takaha-Gumi's members are well fortified and are basically small fortresses.
5 inch thick steel doors, narrow hallways and camera surveillance are just a few of the defensive measures
put in place by the Takaha-Gumi to protect themselves in Evo City.

Other than this the Takaha-Gumi remains mainly mysterious.

The origins of the Yakuza.

The yakuza originated some time in the central-Edo Period in Japan.
Thought to be made up of criminals and gamblers, the lowest social classes of the period.

However as their power grew and organizations were formed the Edo government recognized these groups
and gave them special permission to carry Wakazashi or Katana swords;
which at the time was a right reserved by noblemen and Samurai.

During this time the Yakuza took up a code of respect and loyalty, fitting well with the hierarchy system of the time.

However as time went on these groups became unwanted by the general populace and resorted to crime.
despite being a relatively obscure group in the western world the yakuza outnumbers mafia families by great amounts
and are the largest criminal organizations to exist today.
[Image: red-steel-katana.png]
[Image: x2G27Cr.png]

The Takaha-Gumi follow a strict family structure in order to improve productivity and bind employees together!

                      [Image: unnamed0.png]

Explained in the graphic above, the Oyabun is the family father and the one who gives orders.
You would normally ask the Oyabun about activities before engaging in them. while the Kobun are his (or in rare instances her) loyal children.
Younger brothers are loyal to older brothers but above all loyal to their father who provides for them and supports them.

The Wakagashira is second in command, commanding all the Shateigashira when the Oyabun is too busy to.

The Kigyoshatei is second in command to the Oyabun in business terms,
focusing entirely on legally cheating the system, running legitimate business
and economics.

The lawyer group handles exactly what their title suggests, dealing with legal issues and
 representing the Takaha-Gumi or its members in formal and legal situations.

The Private doctor would nurse Gumi members back to health since public hospitals may call the police.
(note, in order to have this job you must be willing to keep medical supplies on your character in case they should need to be used.
you will not be the doctor job for this role play.)

The Shateigashira control their group of brothers "Kyodai" and "Shatei"
The Shateigashira will be given the honor of punishing their members by handing them a knife and string should they
require to commit yubitsume.
However if the Shateigashira wishes to spare a member of this
they may instead apply yubitsume to themselves.

Kamikaze Soldiers are some of the most highly respected members of Yakuza society.
Their role is to bravely lead the charge into battle if a war breaks out.

Shatei typically have the role of doing menial tasks such as
replacing ash trays, pouring drinks and maintaining the office.
Along with typical work such as guarding junkies who are in the process of using our product
and anything the Kyodai would do.

Kyodai have typically proven themselves with a full body tattoo and exchanged sake with the Oyabun.
Therefore, requiring more respect than the shatei.
Typically doing basic tasks such as collecting money, or protection.
However they too will engage in menial tasks for higher ranks.

            Oyabun: Takano Seiken / [FL:RP]Erin エリン 
Tattoos if put on display                           Face                              Amount of fingers left
[Image: oyabun%20Tattoo%20template.png][Image: Yakuza%20oyabun.png][Image: Handy.png]

Spoiler :
Takano Seiken

Takano Seiken is the first Regime leader of the Takaha-Gumi.
Formed out of his father and his owns real estate business the Takaha-Gumi thrives in Evo-City because of Takano's logistics and strategy

Spouse / Haigūsha: Alisha Seiken / Dan.

[Image: Yakuza%20Dan.png]

Spoiler :
 Alisha, born the daughter of a corrupt politician, met Takano during a visit to his house with her father on a business related trip.

Takano had been illegally bribing the politician for years at this point however had rarely heard about his daughter.
Alisha and Takano quickly made a connection over a conversation about fine dining and traditional culture.

Wakagashira: Jamal 'Power' Oshiro / Power Ranger 2.0

[Image: Yakuza%20Tattoo%20Ranger.png]  [Image: Yakuza%20PowerR.png][Image: Handy.png]

Spoiler :
Jamal's father borrowed money from the Takaha-Gumi and he couldn't pay it off. His father fled to the Congo and found his mother

Since his father had money on his head he was kidnapped by rebels and Jamal never saw him again. So Jamal is here in Japan to end it once and for all.

Kigyoshatei: RESERVED

Head Lawyer:



Private Doctor: Adam Starkavargen / Chocolate Labrador
[Image: Swede.png][Image: Handy.png]

Spoiler :
Adam Starkavargen, A soldier who fought for his life and now continues to serve as ad doctor making the lives of his brothers better.

Shateigashira: Tsai Kuroshimo / Panzer

                [Image: Yakuza%20Tattoo%20template.png][Image: yakuza%20face%202-1.png] [Image: Handy.png]

Spoiler :
I am a warrior. I am born into a warrior family, combat and honour passed down from generation to generation. My grandfather was an Imperial Soldier under the Emporer's army. My Father, just as honourable under the same glory of proud Japan and I was accepted into the proud Officer's ranks. I was shot by a traitor coward who had no dishonour and was discharged from the ranks. This is why I am here: to restore honor to myself and my family.

Kamikaze Soldier:

Kyodai: Aiko Yamaguchi / Scrubmoso
            [Image: Aikotatto.png][Image: Aiko.png][Image: Handy.png]


 Hakuko '9 finger' Wada / [FL:RP] Chilo
[Image: Yakuza%20Tattoo%20Chilo.png][Image: Yakuza%20Chilo.png][Image: Yakuza%20hands%202.png]

Masaru Tomi / [FL:RP] Razz
[Image: Razz%20char.png][Image: Handy.png]



Kamikaze Soldier:




Kamikaze Soldier:



[Image: red-steel-katana.png]
[Image: ZDeaoHD.png]

The Takaha Gumi is recognised throughout Evo due to their publicly displayed offices and work spaces.

If a building is owned by the Takaha-Gumi most often it will have a crest like symbol of 3 golden diamonds outside.
Murders and injuries on the other hand usually involve a katana in some form.
This is evidently part of the "last samurai" code which the group uphold to gain public attraction.

[Image: red-steel-katana.png]

[Image: KfGT9Z0.png]


Yubitsume is the process of amputating a single joint of the finger.
Our required order is to start with the first joint of the left pinky and then onto the second,
 repeating this process along the fingers until reaching the thumb for each apology or punishment requiring yubitsume.

After each sacrifice is made you should wrap the joint in a towel
 and present it to your Oyabun as proof of your apology.

And don't forget to cut off the blood flow before cutting by
tightening a string around the joint before you make your first slice.

The reason for this practice is to show sincerity for your mistakes
and to discourage police officers from attempting to get within our ranks.

If you reach your thumb you will restart on your right hand.
Should you run out of joints you will instead dispose of yourself in front of your Oyabun.

Yubitsume is specifically designed to make gripping a katana (Japanese sword)
Difficult, resulting in depending more on your Oyabun.

Sake Exchange.

Exchanging cups of sake (a Japanese alcohol) with your Oyabun signifies many events.
This ritual taken from Shinto weddings represents a close bondage between people.

To preform this ritual you would sit down across from your Oyabun on a tatami mat (floor mats)
and your direct authority (shategashira, wakagashira.. etc) would pour the Oyabun a full glass.
Whilst you would be poured a smaller glass to represent your status.

You could give a speech to show your gratitude if you desire.
You would both take a sip and then exchange your sake, drinking from each others glass.
Your Oyabun would then say something befitting.
Then the ritual is complete.


This would be used in many occasions such as joining a
Yakuza group in the first place.
Raising rank.

Becoming a new regime leader.
(taking over as Oyabun should the current Oyabun die
in which case you would exchange sake with the new Wakagashira you choose)

and many more.
[Image: red-steel-katana.png]
[Image: b3vrTHW.png]

If you decide to apply and do not know much about how Japanese works please contact me
and i will help you make your character and their name.

The Takaha-Gumi is a Yakuza clan designed to be mostly passive yet still descriptive and brutal.
Aggressive RP should only be used scarcely.


the Yubitsume ritual will be duel purpose as an in character and out of character indicator of how disobedient you are.
in character mistakes like irresponsible gambling, not following orders etc will result in the loss of 1 finger joint
whilst out of character problems will result in losing any amount depending on the severity of the issue, if you lose too many of your fingers due to out of character reasons
you will be kicked from the clan.

If you lose too many in character you will need to make a new character.
 Or you could role play being on the run.

Allies, treaties and affiliate groups.
「The Camorro Family」

[Image: OMi4ZJs.png]:

(note unless special exception is given
most Yakuza members are either
Japanese or Korean-Japanese males.
However, i will make exceptions
if you talk to me first)

In character




Reason you wish to join:

Previous occupations if any:

Background information: (make it detailed, preferably with arrests and physical information as well if you have any)

Written Exam

Please fill out the questions below.

1,) What should you do before you take any action?

2,) What are you required to do when your immediate authority gives you a knife and string?

3,) Regarding the question above, why would you do this?

4,) What position in the family holds the most power?

5,) Are you required to speak English in Evo-City, an English speaking town?

6,) What province was the Takaha-Gumi originally started in and as what business?

7,) Is this the "Chinese mafia" (this is a Y/N question as the answers if leaked could pose problems with triads)

8.) Are you willing to die, both in service of the Oyabun or by order of the Oyabun?


Steam name:

Steam ID:


How often do you use the forums? 1-10

how often do you play on the server? 1-10

RP Points: (if you can remember what its for please do tell! i would like to hear)

Previous bans: (if it was not within the last 12 months don't bother putting it down.)

What position are you applying for:

Do you know anything about the Yakuza:

Do you have a reason for joining:


May be in another clan so long as it is not another crime family,
law enforcement agency or military contract group.

5 or less bans in the last 12 months.

have more than 150 hours if applying for shatei or higher, we will take on anyone as official affiliates to teach proper role play (can flex for good RP'rs with low hours)

No current bans.

Know fluent to advanced English at-least. (simply must be able to explain whatever you want easily)

Able to follow orders and work with others.

Is able to tell by now that the group is a Japanese crime family.

Unless the current Oyabun, Wakagashira or Kigyoshatei is on, you must only role play your job passively if role playing a clan job.
Loving it! Good luck!
[Image: 60e0d10cb7aa2d87b0dbbf25564f8dca.png]

Musician, Ex-Administrator
Good luck! Looks amazing.
Kind Regards,
Looks very nice, good luck!
One of the best clans I've seen in a while! Nice work and good luck!

Love it! Great work with the thread!
Good luck with the clan

In character

Name: aron rodgers

Age: 29

Sex: male

Nationality: israel

Reason you wish to join: cus its look like a veary good clan and not just as a normal clan but in the good way and i like that Smile

Previous occupations if any: i was work in the secert service i was the gaurd of the president of united state of america,
than i quit the job and open a good old bar and selling beers of criminal , than i found my salf getting praty nasty with the work and selling drugs to people, than the police found me and take me to jail for 3 years cus i was drug dealer, and now im just a parson with a praty good skills.

Background information: (make it detailed, preferably with arrests and physical information as well if you have any)

Written Exam

Please fill out the questions below.

1,) What should you do before you take any action? first im going to ask  the head of the team if i can do some any action  if he accpet that

2,) What are you required to do when your immediate authority gives you a knife and string?  i will do what they want me to do if its for killing i will kill if its for threatten someone i will do that

3,) Regarding the question above, why would you do this? cus the boos sayed and i will do everything of what the boos want me to do

4,) What position in the family holds the most power? oyabun cus this is the big boos

5,) Are you required to speak English in Evo-City, an English speaking town? yeah i have a good english even if its not my first langunge

6,) What province was the Takaha-Gumi originally started in and as what business? X

7,) Is this the "Chinese mafia" NOOO this is Japanese crime family

8.) Are you willing to die, both in service of the Oyabun or by order of the Oyabun? i will do anything for my family im a team player


Steam name:xFlash

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:41381581

Hours: 519 allmost 520

Age: (do not panic about this question, i will make exceptions for people who can role-play well.) 19.5 years old

How often do you use the forums? 1-10
how often do you play on the server? 1-10
RP Points: (if you can remember what its for please do tell! i would like to hear)
i play rp and do rp shops and more.. but i never got a rp points for that [sorry Sad]
Previous bans: (if it was not within the last 12 months don't bother putting it down.)
i have 11 bans
What position are you applying for:every man want to be the right hand of the boos no? Smile, but i thing i will stert like a shatei

Do you know anything about the Yakuza: yakuza [Japanese crime family] mafia.

Do you have pictures of your character? if so place them here! if not please talk to me and i will create one. sorry i dont have Sad

In character

Name: Tsai Kuroshimo

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Nationality: Japanese

Reason you wish to join: I wish to sustain the honour preserved in the proud family of Kuroshimo. I wish to not only slay filthy peasants of dishonour, but secure riches from the disgusting, dishonourable pigs that defy this elite association.

Previous occupations if any: Imperial Army Officer of Japan (Discharged due to injury)

Background information: (make it detailed, preferably with arrests and physical information as well if you have any) I am a warrior. I am born into a warrior family, combat and honour passed down from generation to generation. My grandfather was an Imperial Soldier under the Emporer's army. My Father, just as honourable under the same glory of proud Japan and I was accepted into the proud Officer's ranks. I was shot by a traitor coward who had no dishonour and was discharged from the ranks. This is why I am here: to restore honour to myself and my family.

Written Exam

Please fill out the questions below.

1,) What should you do before you take any action? Consult the glorious Oyabun

2,) What are you required to do when your immediate authority gives you a knife and string? Solemnly accept my punishment and remove a finger's joint to preserve mine and the Oyabun's honour.

3,) Regarding the question above, why would you do this? To preserve mine and the Oyabun's honour and to apologise with a strong level of sincerity.

4,) What position in the family holds the most power? The honourable Oyabun.

5,) Are you required to speak English in Evo-City, an English speaking town? Of course.

6,) What province was the Takaha-Gumi originally started in and as what business? Nagoya, with a prosperous Real Estate business.

7,) Is this the "Chinese mafia" We are not filthy, cowardice traids. We are affluent, honourable warriors of Takaha-Gumi!

8.) Are you willing to die, both in service of the Oyabun or by order of the Oyabun? I am willing to die to preserve the honour of all who command it.


Steam name: Panzer Clause

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60371714

Hours: 527

Age: (do not panic about this question, i will make exceptions for people who can role-play well.) I'd rather keep this to a private conversation if possible, especially on forum boards.

How often do you use the forums? 1-10 3

how often do you play on the server? 1-10 7

RP Points: (if you can remember what its for please do tell! i would like to hear) 1: Weapon Inspector's roleplay.
2: Police Information Desk roleplay.

Previous bans: (if it was not within the last 12 months don't bother putting it down.) Healing during raid - Approx 1 Hr playtime
Fear RP, Random Steal,  Propclimb, On Request - Approx 130 Hr playtime (No excuse for this one)
NLR - Approx 150 Hr playtime

What position are you applying for: Wakagashira

Do you know anything about the Yakuza: Limited knowledge, I know it's an honour based system stitched together with codes of respect and authority. It is close knitted like a typical itallian mob family, however it holds a lot more sophistication and honour systems.

Do you have pictures of your character? if so place them here! if not please talk to me and i will create one: [Image: IO2tLiS.png]
Creative, good luck with the clan.

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