K o Z e H - UBR.
Your name: ([FL:RP]K o Z e H | : D)

Your ban ID: (56455)

Banned by: ([FL:M] Sir Crow)

Reason: (Jumping on injured bodies)

Involved: ( [FL:RP]K o Z e H )

Why we should unban you: (server was lag and i didn't mean to jump injured bodies because server was so lag sir crow you didn't give me a chance to explain)
You lagged so you jumped on him..? You JUMPED on the body. Not walked over it, but JUMPED on it. You killed the player because you did this.
when i jumped was stuck in body trying to get out
(Involved: Jumped on person) I got hit by a car, and after I was knocked down you proceeded to run over and jump directly onto my body, killing me.
Denied. People don't jump when lagging, it doesn't happen.

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