Esoteric PMC
[Image: esoteric_by_gallist24-d48ygob.jpg]

Esoteric is a PMC Battalion that has a unique chain of command and well known for its assistance to other clans and loyalty in alliance's along with its extremist tactics of basing and defense, Our aim is aswell as becoming a overpowering and superior clan, to be hired by other clans for better defense/offense and more firepower to them for a set amount of time.

Recruitment Requirements:
To be able to play RP properly
To be able to work as a squad/platoon without disruption
Have a decent reputation(Not known for excessive RDM/CDM/Theft ect..)
Able to be design and create defensive structures
Have good dedication to Esoteric PMC and FL
To be able to take orders and execute them effectively.
To play regularly on Fearless and participate in clan meetings and raids.

Esoteric Ranking:
Patriot - Highest rank possible and strongly commended, Anyone in this rank will be a decorated war veteran and have access to all privilages along with the ability to choose diplomatic solutions, Patriots if sent out will be heavily armed and highly trained and will only be deployed on massive raids as backup.
(Medal of honor, leadership and accuracy needed along with commendation from founder.)

Warlord - High rank, these are the second highest rank with top privilages and can vote for diplomacy, they have most of the privilages and specialize to be at the back and leading a platoon along with choosing strategic points and tactics.
(500+ hours of gametime needed | medal of leadership & Accuracy needed)

Ranger - Medium/High rank, these are rare ranking officers, they can vote on diplomacy and are often garrisoned at other clans, this rank covers all of the below.
(300+ hours of gametime needed | medal of accuracy needed)

Elite Infantry Commander - Medium/High rank, Second block of extended privilages start here. They can vote on diplomacy, and cover all ranks below in responsibility, they have command of a squad of Elite Infantry in the battlefield to take down the enemy with the best tactical ability possible.
(250+ hours of gametime needed | Medal of leadership | durability needed)

Elite Infantry - Medium rank, Second block of privilages unlock start to here, they can vote on diplomacy, covers Mercenary's responsibilities, also sent on special contracts & occasionally Squadron commanders in raids.
(150+ hours of gametime needed | Bootcamp completion & durability medal needed)

Field Marshall - Low/Medium rank, small privilages included, this rank is primarily frontline on raids and often sent as back-up for Mercenarys.
(60+ hours of gametime needed | Bootcamp completion needed)

Mercenary - Low rank, Small privilages start here, normally sent as a bodyguard/assistant and put on your average day-to-day duty.
(35+ hours of gametime needed Bootcamp completion needed)

Initiate/Scout - Lowest rank available, all new members by default will be put to this rank by default unless invited,

Sub-Category | Scout is a sub-rank that Initiates can choose to be after 2 hours of gametime, they simply go and scout around giving high command intel on raid information ect..

Current Members & Ranks:
Legendary Fox - Founder & Overlord

McFlurry - Patriot

Quack - Elite Infantry

Slaafj4dutch - Field Marshall

Im a sinner - Mercenary
Killahduck - Mercenary
Ginger - Mercenary
Hostage - Mercenary

Sefty - Initiate
Sith happens - Initiate

Diplomatic Allies
Czechnyen Rebels(Partially Allied)
Ukoo Chini(Partially Allied)
Blackhawk Mercenary(Fully Allied)

Esoteric Rules:
Theft from another member is forbidden.
Pretending to be a rank that your not will result in demote.
Do not provoke another clan into attacking us or another clan in anyway.
Do not abuse privilages or you will lose them.
When given an order, execute it immediately without question as it every order given will be mandatory.
Do not break any server rules whatsoever
If a meeting is called you must attend if you are in the server
Do not harm or offend another clan member in any way
We may be big in numbers but Everyone is included, no man left behind.
You must put your clan "Esoteric PMC - RANK".

If you have a Hummer, Tides, Lokus, Mustang or anything with more than three seats you will also on top of your rank have the option to deploy troops wherever instructed.

Breaking any of these rules will result in a warning! (Excluding RDM/CDM or breaking server rules ect)

All bases/forts must be built by Legendary Fox or a high ranking officer or given permission by Fox himself for maximum security and defense.

Rules of Engagement:
When in a raid:
Listen to your commanding officer, do as he says, make sure to be in cover, just think that if this were real, what would you do?
Never retreat unless outnumbered
Dont go triggerhappy, ammo can be very costly and it runs out a lot quicker than you think.

In a raid it is kill or be killed, often I will use my car as cover and crouch, standing up then shooting in bursts, We at Esoteric primarily use that tactic to the best of our abilities to take out our selected target without frustration or misshaps.

Radio Frequency:
We have a primary frequency and a secondry frequency which codes can be obtained by Fox or any other high commanding officer. Primary Frequency can be used by all ranks however our second frequency is only obtainable if you are the rank of Elite Infantry or higher.

Application Template:
In-game Name:
In-game Hours:
Previous Clans:
Specialized Weapon's(List only two):
Number of bans:
Why you want to join:
How did you find out about Esoteric PMC?:
If you do not use this template, your application will be Denied.

Thank you for reading Esoteric PMC's clan page. Recruitment video coming soon.

[Image: source.gif]
The following 4 users Like The Crack Fox's post:
  • Quack, Teedjee, Grub, Shadow
Clan declared official, good luck.
The following 2 users Like Killjoy's post:
  • CraigVil, Grub
Clan meeting with NOOSE!


7:00pm GMT | 8:00pm GMT+1 (24th August 2011)

Farms in Evo2!

It is mandatory that all members from Esoteric PMC attend this meeting.
[Image: source.gif]
(08-23-2011, 07:53 PM)Legendary Fox Wrote: Clan meeting with NOOSE!


7:00pm GMT | 8:00pm GMT+1 (24th August 2011)

Farms in Evo2!

It is mandatory that all members from Esoteric PMC attend this meeting.

I was there, not Evo2 but evo1 with some noose members.
But then the server crashed and i needed to go Sad.

Maybe some other time agian ?
Smilenator kicked from clan - Perm ban and attempting to backstab Esoteric.
[Image: source.gif]
**Your voice-mail has a new message**
Esoteric is having a fishing compitition this friday at 8pm GMT LONDON time! come along if your esoteric or not and have some fishing fun!

Whoever catches the biggest fish wins 2k!

Boats for sale!

Kayak Marui(Proffesional 1seater fishing boat thats a real chick magnet and fish magnet!) = 500$
Evocity Trawler(Weather-hardened and sharkbitten 2seater boat used by chuck norris himself.) = 350$
Abyssal Tide(Luxurious small boat with all the supplies you will need for premier fishing experiance, 1-3seater) = 1k

or a seat on the U.S.S.R Redemption a battlehardened ship cruiser for the war-like fishing experiance. 3k.

For ship orders please PM legendary fox if not then just come along for the banter!
[Image: source.gif]
Well done Craigy.D you have proven to me that your worthy by playing Coprp very well and and good with working as a team, congratulations on being promoted to Field Marshall.

Well done Yacino on giving full support to the clan and completing Bootcamp with superior aim and proffesionallism, your now promoted to Mercenary, congratulations mate.
[Image: source.gif]
I must say, the RP coming from this clan looks amazing from what is just on this page!
The fishing thing is brilliant! Cheese
Thanks alot Fox,
looking forward to the fishing tourny tommorow Cheese

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