Un ban request
Your Name: PotatoTurtle

Ban ID: Neversaid that, and never said the time.

Who banned: Pinky

Involved: a cop.(dont remember his name)

Reason: Ok so I punched a cop on accident and then he was chasing me. (my job was a rebel) then i died under a car when i was running and the cop was still chasing me. So when i respawned he said said stop right there or I will get handcuffed. I was saying this is failRP and for me NLR. Then he called an admin and he started talking to him. Then the admin said why did you run away from him. (oh yea the cop was shooting. at me) so I said to pinky I died and its NLR for me. I didnt even have time to explain and then i got banned. Never said the time. Sad
Need steam ID ask me
Fill in template properly.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Denied, you failed to use the template or put any effort into your UBR.

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