BR Fiskemaan
Name Of Player: Fiskemaan

Time: No idea

Map = v2d

Steamid: STEAM_0:1:81389780

Summary: I drove past the rebel thingy and he decided to point his lasers at me and trying to get in front of my car and also jump on my car.

New job rule: you cannot have your job set to classifiec
(10-30-2014, 09:19 PM)Bluejack2727 Wrote: New job rule: you cannot have your job set to classifiec

I don't know where the fuck your eyes are, and the admins their eyes, i explained all videos of the br were even before october, aswell i got a ban for this while i did say it was from maybe a month or more ago, next of all mind your own freaKing business, get something to.

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